MDA - Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) - Missile …
The Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) is a sensor/propulsion package that uses the kinetic energy from a direct hit to destroy the incoming target vehicle. This hit-to-kill technology has been proven in a number of successful flight tests, including three using Ground-Based Interceptors.
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense - Wikipedia
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD), previously National Missile Defense (NMD), is an anti-ballistic missile system implemented by the United States of America for defense against ballistic missiles, during the midcourse phase of ballistic trajectory flight.
Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) - Missile Defense …
The Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) is a sensor/ propulsion package that uses the kinetic energy from a direct hit to destroy the incoming target vehicle. [1] In the late 1990s, North Korea demonstrated significant progress on its nuclear and ballistic missile program, particularly in its ability to strike the U.S. homeland.
This Is Exactly How The Latest Ballistic Missile Defense Test Worked
2023年12月13日 · In the wake of its latest test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency has published a video explainer that provides a very useful description of what exactly happened in that complex engagement process, as well as how much of the overarching U.S. missile defense architecture actually works.
Ground-based Interceptor (GBI) - Missile Threat
2021年7月26日 · The Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) is the GMD’s means of physically destroying incoming target missiles. The EKV consists of a sensor-propulsion package that collides with the re-entry vehicle during the midcourse phase of the missile’s ballistic trajectory, using its own infrared seeker, guidance system, and motor.
2020年1月30日 · In August 2019, hardware-in-the-loop ground testing requested by USNORTHCOM assessed sensor performance, GMD fire control engagement planning and execution, and Exo-atmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV) performance. The MDA conducted the first operational flight test of the GMD weapon system in March 2019.
轨道科学公司陆基拦截弹(GBI)/雷声公司大气层外杀伤器(EKV)发射 …
2022年8月1日,mda授予诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司一份升级gmd系统的合同,以实现拦截弹硬件的现代化。 大气层外杀伤器(EKV)是雷声公司与Aerojet制造的拦截器组件, EKV由拦截弹发射至拦截轨道后分离,使用自身的燃料来修正轨道,不再进一步加速。
2023年12月13日 · 作为美国国家导弹防御系统(NMD)的一部分,EKV由中段拦截系统的陆基拦截弹(GBI)发射,并使用自身燃料进行轨道修正,采用直接碰撞方式摧毁目标。 中段拦截系统所部署的GBI是一种三级固体轨道助推火箭,其两级版本则用于欧洲方向的北约导弹防御系统,此次试验则是中段拦截系统的三级拦截弹首次以“二级模式”进行拦截测试——即指令第三级不要点火,并提前分离杀伤拦截器,以提供在更近距离上的拦截,这一测试成功利用了已部署拦截弹的 …
A New Generation of Homeland Missile Defense Interceptors
2019年11月12日 · The current Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicles (EKV) were deployed in the early 2000s and rely upon 1990s-era technology. Essentially advanced prototype s, the EKVs rely on complex and unique designs that create production and …
2023年12月17日 · 在美国反导拦截体系中,最为关键的拦截武器是GBI.GBI携带的动能拦截弹头称为EKV,是美国第一代已经装备的大气层外动能拦截弹头,目前已经部署了44枚拦击弹。