EL1018_UMW(友台半导体)_EL1018中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立创 …
EL1018 | EtherCAT Terminal, 8-channel digital input, 24 V DC, …
The EL1018 digital input terminal acquires the binary 24 V control signals from the process level and transmits them, in an electrically isolated form, to the higher-level automation unit. Each …
EL1018 | EtherCAT 端子模块,8 通道数字量输入,24 V DC,10 µs
EL1018 数字量输入端子模块采集现场设备中的二进制 24 V 控制信号,并以电气隔离的形式将这些信号传输到上层自动化单元。该 EtherCAT 端子模块有 8 个通道,每个通道都有一个 LED 用 …
EL1018(TA)(SEM)-VG - 立创商城
下载EL1018(TA) (SEM)-VG中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有晶体管输出光耦详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
EL1018是一款由一个GaAs发光二极管和一个NPN光电晶体管组成的光电耦合器。 平替亿光EL1018 广泛应用于:开关电源、智能电表、工业控制、测量仪器、办公设备、白色家电等。
EL1018 Datasheet(PDF) - Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd
Description: 4 PIN LONG CREEPAGE SOP. Manufacturer: Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd.
EL1018(TA)-VG参数_光耦合器/光隔离器中文资料_Everlight …
everlight el1018(ta)-vg 光电耦合器, 晶体管输出, 1通道, sop, 4 引脚, 60 ma, 5 kv, 130 %
EL1012, EL1014, EL1018 - Technical data - Beckhoff Automation
Technical data. EL1012. EL1014. EL1018. Number of inputs. 2. 4. 8. Number of simultaneously controllable inputs, depending on the ambient temperature . 2 (-25°C … +60°C)
EL3314-0000 is the order identifier, in the case of “-0000” usually abbreviated to EL3314. “-0016” is the EtherCAT revision. The revision -0016 shows the technical progress, such as the …
The EL1018 digital input terminal acquires the binary 24 V control signals from the process level and transmits them, in an electrically isolated form, to the higher-level automation unit. Each …