Online Store - Elki
Create your own Gourmet Gift Set with ELKI's Gourmet Foods!
Elki Gifts | Elki
Create your own Gourmet Gift Set with ELKI's Gourmet Foods! Include ELKI's Artichoke Tomato Bruschetta; Black Olive Tapenade and Artichoke, Lemon Asiago Pesto along with a box of Spring Onion and Garlic Herb Crackers! Include a jar of Scandinavian Delight Lingonberry Preserves, Wild Blueberry Preserves and Strawberry Preserves!
Gifts | Elki
Sign up now to receive ELKI's Newsletter and we'll send you an email the moment our new gift boxes are available! ELKI's Newsletter - Join Now! Create your own Gourmet Gift Set with ELKI's Gourmet Foods!
Elki Water Crackers - Plain, Set of 24, 4.4 oz
This set includes 12 cartons of Water Crackers weighing 4.4 oz each. Perfect for entertaining, gourmet gift baskets, and food services. Serve with dips such as hummus or top with various types of cheese, cured meats, or spreads.
Elki - Water Crackers - Plain - Set of 24, 2.2 oz each - Imperial Foods
This set includes 24 cartons of Water Crackers weighing 2.2 oz each. Perfect for entertaining, gourmet gift baskets, and food services. Serve with dips such as hummus or top with various types of cheese, cured meats, or spreads. Use as a base for canapés by topping them with small savory morsels like smoked salmon or slices of sweet fruits.
Data sets - ELKI
We are collecting a few example data sets along with a description to try out ELKI. Many of the data sets are artificial test cases that we use in internal unit testing, and are not well suited for benchmarking due to various biases, but mostly meant for use in teaching .
ELKI Tutorials
Analyzing the “mouse” Data Set. We will analyze the mouse data set with two well-known algorithms, k-means-clustering and EM clustering. This data set is a simple to understand example to see a key difference between these two algorithms. First of all, we set the dbc.in parameter to the input file, mouse.csv.
Pack of 9- Japanese Made High Quality Elki Set - Daraz.pk
Pack of 9 Includes Different Sizes: 1.5,2,2.5,3,4,5,6,8,10mm Elki Set Made in Japan Pack of 9- Japanese Made High Quality Elki Set
ELKI Data Mining Framework
ELKI is an open source (AGPLv3) data mining software written in Java. The focus of ELKI is research in algorithms, with an emphasis on unsupervised methods in cluster analysis and outlier detection. In order to achieve high performance and scalability, ELKI offers data index structures such as the R*-tree that can provide major performance gains.
elki - Java开源数据挖掘框架 聚焦聚类和异常检测研究 - 懂AI
ELKI是一个Java开源数据挖掘框架,重点研究聚类分析和异常检测算法。 该框架提供了众多可参数化的算法和数据索引结构,以提升性能和扩展性。 ELKI采用模块化设计,方便研究人员和学生进行扩展,并鼓励贡献新方法。