ELMO - Evan Chen
The ELMO is an annual math olympiad that happens at MOP. Its initials have stood for many things over time, originating from a backronym originally called the "Experimental Lincoln Math Olympiad". The black MOPpers and returning MOPpers write and organize the test, and lead the teams of competitors, which consist of rookie MOPpers.
ELMO - Evan Chen
ELMO 2010. AoPS Thread; Contest Solutions 2010; ELMO 2010; Shortlist 2010; ELMO 2009. AoPS Thread; E-mail: Evan Chen (ELMO Webmaster), evan [at] evanchen.cc
ELMO - Evan Chen
Exceedingly Loquacious Math Olympiad The ELSMO is an addition to the ELMO given to the misguided souls who unfortunately pronounce MOP as "MOSP", with an additional "S". The name and appearance of the ELSMO also differ from the corresponding ELMO, typically with rather questionable design choices.
Problems - Evan Chen
2024年12月1日 · This page contains problems and solutions to the International Math Olympiad and several USA contests, and a few others. Check the AoPS contest index for even more problems and solutions, including most of the ones below.
ELMO - Evan Chen
Ex-Lincoln Math Olympiad: June 21: 18: 2016: Elmo Lives Mostly Outside: June 18 and June 19: 19: 2017: vEry badLy naMed cOntest: June 10 and June 17: 20: 2018: Eyy LMaO: June 9 and June 16: 21: 2019: Exclusively carL-Made Olympiad: June 8 and June 16: 22: 2020: ELMO Literally Moved Online: July 20 and July 21: 23: 2021: Olympians Enjoy Mixed-up ...
ELMO - Evan Chen
• 17 th ELMO 2015 • Ex-Lincoln Math Olympiad Country Results • Individual Results • Statistics • Guest Participants Top Team: BAshErs <3 Top Contestant: Junyao Peng, Allen Yang, Vincent Huang, Michael Ren, Kevin Ren Medal Cutoffs. 28 points for Gold; 20 points for Silver; 13 points for Bronze; Data Available. 5 countries
21st ELMO 2019 Shortlisted Problems C5. Given a permutation of 1;2;3;:::;n, with consecutive elements a;b;c(in that order), we may perform either of the moves: • If ais the median of a, b, and c, we may replace a;b;cwith b;c;a(in that order). • If cis the median of a, b, and c, we may replace a;b;cwith c;a;b(in that order).
Elmo, Let Me Out! - Evan Chen
• 24 th ELMO 2022 • Elmo, Let Me Out! Country Results • Individual Results • Statistics • Guest Participants Top Team: Bary Bad Bishop Top Contestant: Amol Rama Medal Cutoffs. 22 points for Gold; 15 points for Silver; 10 points for Bronze; Data Available. 6 countries; 34 official contestants; 51 guests; Problems and Solutions
ELMO - Evan Chen
E-mail: Evan Chen (ELMO Webmaster), evan [at] evanchen.cc USA MOP
Evan Chen • For beginners
2024年9月14日 · I wrote an unofficial syllabus for math olympiads (also linked on handouts) giving some guidance on what topics appear on math olympiads. 1. First reading: the welcome letter #