Aluminium Alloy - Commercial Alloy - 5754 - H22 Sheet and Plate …
5754 - H22 Sheet and Plate. Aluminium 5754 has excellent corrosion resistance especially to seawater and industrially polluted atmospheres. It has higher strength than 5251. This high strength makes 5754 highly suited to flooring applications. Applications 5754 is typically used in: ~ Treadplate ~ Shipbuilding ~ Vehicle bodies ~ Rivets
EN AW 5754 | Al Mg3 - learn more - Materials Processing Europe
On this page you can find the chemical and mechanical specifications of the alloy EN AW 5754 | Al Mg3. Other dimensions and alloys are available on request. Our aluminum specialists in Mannheim are happy to advise you.
ENAW-AlMg3 / ENAW-5754 - SteelNumber - Aluminium …
EN 755-2: 2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles. Mechanical properties EN 485-2: 2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate. Mechanical properties EN 754-2: 2008 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube. Mechanical properties EN 1592-2: 1998 Aluminium and aluminium alloys.
5754 - H22铝合金 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
应用 5754 通常用于: ~ 踏板 ~ 造船 ~ 车身 ~ 铆钉 ~ 渔业设备 ~ 食品加工 ~ 焊接化学 和核结构 请注意,所示机械性能适用于 h22。 化学成分 规格:BS EN 573-3:2009
5754 Aluminum Alloy Properties & Equivalent, Al 5754 H22 H111
5754 aluminum alloy is a typical Al-Mg alloy containing 2,6-3,6% magnesium. Tempers of the material have 5754-H111 & 5754 H22, H12, etc.
Information on Aluminium 5754 - thyssenkrupp Materials (UK)
The material EN AW-5754 shows high mechanical properties among the non-heat treatable aluminium alloys and shows a very good atmospheric and seawater corrosion resistance. The material has a good weldability and is used for example in marine and offshore applications.
Aluminium 5754 has excellent corrosion resistance especially to seawater and industrially polluted atmospheres. It has higher strength than 5251. This high strength makes 5754 highly suited to flooring applications. H22. Properties above are for material in the H22 condition. requirement.
The material EN AW-5754 shows high mechanical properties among the non-heat treatable aluminium alloys and shows a very good atmospheric and seawater corrosion resistance. The material has a good weldability and is used for example in marine and offshore applications.
5754 - GB /T 3880.1-2012 - 材数库
• 铝板广泛应用于焊接结构、贮槽、压力容器、船舶结构与海上设施、运输槽罐以及用于要求有优良加工性能、优良耐蚀性、高疲劳强度、高可焊性和中等静态强度的场合。 是汽车制造业(轿车车门、模具、密封件)、制罐工业所用的主要材料。 • 4006、4007、4015、5040、5499合金的化学成分符合本标准规定,其他牌号产品化学成分应符合GB/T 3190的规定。 • 力学性能应符合GB/T 3880.2的规定。 厚度超规的板、带材,其力学性能附实测结果交货,或供需双方协商,并在 …
Aluminum Sheet and Plate EN AW-5754 H22
Aluminum Sheet and Plate EN AW-5754 H22, also known as AlMg3 environmentally friendly aluminum plate, belongs to anti rust aluminum. It has the characteristics of moderate strength, good corrosion resistance, weldability, and easy processing and forming.