tolkiens legendarium - How many Entmoots do we know about?
The only documented Entmoot is the one in the Two Towers. There is one other documented involvement of the Ents in affairs of Middle-earth, and that is following the Ruin of Doriath in the First Age: There very many of the Dwarves were slain in the first onset; but some escaping from the ambush held together, and fled eastwards towards the ...
How could Treebeard call for war without an Entmoot?
2015年1月26日 · The original Entmoot showed that they did not want to go to war but Treebeard convinced them after seeing the destruction Saruman's orcs were doing. The Ents—usually a very patient, deliberate people—did become angry at Saruman, whose armies were cutting down large numbers of their trees.
the lord of the rings - How many Ents were at the Entmoot?
2017年3月11日 · Curiously, the book gives the impression that there were many Ents at the Entmoot, or at least far more than the movie would suggest. Ergo, I was wondering if there was a specific number, or a rough estimate as to how many …
the lord of the rings - What is the angular stone in Fangorn Forest ...
2016年3月20日 · I don't think the stone has any significance, apart from being something eye catching that marks the centre of the Ent's meeting place and the thing which they gather around during Entmoot. In the books, the centre of this clearing or hollow, called Derndingle, is marked by three tall silver birch trees.
Why was it likely that the Ents went to their doom?
2017年3月12日 · Strangely enough, this is an actual quote from the book: 'Of course, it is likely enough, my friends,' he [Treebeard] said slowly, 'likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Ents.
the lord of the rings - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2017年3月12日 · 30th February: Entmoot begins, Éomer meets Aragorn. 1st March: Entmoot, Aragorn meets Gandalf. 2nd March: Healing of Théoden, end of Entmoot, Ents march on Isengard. An earlier invasion of Rohan would therefore have obviously disrupted all …
tolkiens legendarium - Were there any democracies in Middle …
2017年3月12日 · 'Hoo, eh? Entmoot?' said Treebeard, turning round. 'It is not a place, it is a gathering of Ents – which does not often happen nowadays. But I have managed to make a fair number promise to come. We shall meet in the place where we have always met: Derndingle Men call it. It is away south from here. We must be there before noon.'
tolkiens legendarium - Why didn't the Ents play a part in the Battle …
2015年6月7日 · Even when the Ents generally accepted the need for military action against Saruman, they still had to hold a 3 day long Entmoot to finalize the plans. If they were asked to intervene in a battle against enemies who hadn't done anything to their forest, and in which many Ents would be expected to die, the Entmoot would take longer, and would be ...
the lord of the rings - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
1 . Frodo begins the passage of the Dead Marshes at dawn. Entmoot continues. Aragorn meets Gandalf the White. They set out for Edoras. Faramir leaves Minas Tirith on an errand to Ithilien. Happy 88th, Aragorn!
How old is Aragorn when he fights at Helm's Deep?
2 - Frodo comes to the end of the Marshes. Gandalf comes to Edoras and heals Théoden. The Rohirrim ride west against Saruman. Second Battle of Fords of Isen. Erkenbrand defeated. Entmoot ends in afternoon. The Ents march on Isengard and reach it at night. 3 - Théoden retreats to Helm’s Deep. Battle of the Hornburg begins.