bash - Run multiple commands with entr - Stack Overflow
2021年6月2日 · echo "$1" | entr -s 'refer references.bib $1 | groff -ms $1 -T pdf > $2' This may have advantages such as if the original command can run in the default shell (e.g. zsh ) without needing additional quoting of arguments ( "$1" etc), it …
linux - detecting directory changes with entr - Stack Overflow
2022年3月23日 · I've made a script applying entr but it doesn't seem to work as intended. #!/bin/bash ls -d * /Users/me/test | entr echo hey when I run the script it echos "hey" once, but if I add new files to test stdout just hangs without echoing another "hey".
using entr to watch a directory without any matching files
2022年2月22日 · The alternative I can think of is to use entr to watch the whole directory for any changes, and if so, run ls -l *.ica and if the change resulted in a new ica file, and then in turn, run the above script. It seems inelegant and complicated to nest entr that way, so wanted to know if there is some simple option I am missing.
go - Entr not restarting server - Stack Overflow
2020年6月13日 · entr and go run not playing nice. 1 How to start the upstart process for golang application? 0 ...
python - 3 functions for computing relative entropy in scipy.
2020年8月12日 · In contrast, both scipy.special.rel_entr and scipy.special.kl_div are "element-wise functions" that can be used in conjunction with the usual array operations, and have to be summed before they yield the aggregate relative entropy value.
webserver - entr and go run not playing nice - Stack Overflow
2015年3月24日 · I'm doing some light web development in go, and running into a problem with entr. I'm editing .go files in a directory while having . ls *.go | entr -r go run *.go running in a separate terminal window. I can see it re-starting my program every time I save a file, because some format statements get printed out to the terminal every time I do so.
sql - How to insert date values into table - Stack Overflow
2015年12月17日 · let suppose we create a table Transactions using SQl server management studio. txn_id int, txn_type_id varchar(200), Account_id int, Amount int, tDate date );
How to import a .cer certificate into a java keystore?
Importing .cer certificate file downloaded from browser (open the url and dig for details) into cacerts keystore in java_home\jre\lib\security worked for me, as opposed to attemps to generate and use my own keystore.
tkinter: input entry & generate result without button press
2021年4月29日 · This is my first attempt at tkinter. I was using this tutorial, code below, where a user input a number, and with a button generate a result at another window. import tkinter as tk root= tk.Tk()
c# - Troubleshooting "program does not contain a static 'Main' …
In my case (where none of the proposed solutions fit), the problem was I used async/await where the signature for main method looked this way: