Enver Surty - Wikipedia
Mohamed Enver Surty (born 15 August 1953) is a South African politician who served as the Deputy Minister of Basic Education in the cabinet of President Cyril Ramaphosa [2] from 2009 till 2019. He is a member of the African National Congress .
Enver Surty - People's Assembly
Mr Surty served as Deputy Minister of Basic Education. He was born on 15 August 1953. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Durban-Westville, Honour's degree (Philosophy) and BProc degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA).
Mohamed Enver Surty, Mr - South African Government
Mr Mohamed Enver Surty is the Deputy Minister of Basic Education of the Republic of South Africa from 26 May 2014 until 25 May 2019.
Mohamed Enver Surty - Wikipedia
Mohamed Enver Surty (gebore 15 Augustus 1953) is 'n Suid-Afrikaanse politikus. Hy was van 2009 tot 2019 die Adjunkminister van Basiese Onderwys in die kabinet van president Jacob Zuma. [1] Hy is 'n lid van die African National Congress. Surty is 'n gekwalifiseerde prokureur en het as adjunkminister van onderwys vanaf April 2004 tot September ...
Deputy Basic Education Minister Enver Surty launches book
2019年4月24日 · RUSTENBURG - Deputy Basic Education Minister Enver Surty received tons of praise at the launch of his book detailing life in the struggle against Apartheid. Surty, 65, launched his book, titled...
Enver Surty - Wikiwand
Mohamed Enver Surty is a South African politician who served as the Deputy Minister of Basic Education in the cabinet of President Cyril Ramaphosa from 2009 till 2019. He is a member of the African National Congress.
Enver Surty - Our Constitution
This online exhibition and archive tells the remarkable story of how South Africa’s Constitution and Constitutional Court were forged – a critical period in the birthing of a democratic nation.
official description of Surty’s career on the South African Government’s website states that: “He was a member of the Management Committee of the Constitutional Assembly and negotiator for the ANC on the Bill of Rights for the period 1994 to 1996. In Parliament, Mr Surty participated in the following select committees: Justice, Safety
In Pursuit of Dignity - Enver Surty - Awqaf SA
2019年4月5日 · “In Pursuit of Dignity” – authored by Enver Surty, served as MP, was a negotiator of the Bill of Rights, served as Minister of Justice as well Deputy Minister of Education.
Mohamed Enver Surty Bio - Wiki Mzansi
2018年8月20日 · Mr Mohamed Enver Surty is the Deputy Minister of Basic Education of the Republic of South Africa from 26 May 2014. Mr Surty holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and an Honours degree in Philosophy from the University of Durban-Westville, as well as a B. Proc degree from the University of South Africa (UNISA).