New G5 My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Set Possibly On the Way
2023年1月12日 · A person over on Instagram has dropped what appear to be photos of a screen showing off a new line of G5 Equestria Girls. All of the girls of the mane 5 are included, from Sunny to Pipp. They note that the price will be $24.55 and release some time this year, and they come with the usual EG accessories that the old dolls used to have.
My Little Pony G5: Equestria Girls (2024 Cgi / Live Action ... - Fandom
My Little Pony G5: Equestria Girls is a 2024 cgi/live action Hybrid film and premiered on Netflix in June 1, 2024. To recover the crown that was stolen from The Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny Starscout from Zephyr Heights chases the thief until it goes to …
Do you think G5 will have an Equestria Girls? If so, how do ... - Reddit
With the leaked toyline, I’m at least 70% sure that a G5 Equestria Girls will come pretty soon. Hopefully it wraps up G4 Equestria Girls with Sunset Shimmer, but there’s no guarantee.
G5 Equestria Girls 2023 dolls - YouLoveIt.com
Equestria Girls are coming back in 2023 with the new release of G5 Equestria Girls dolls collection! Equestria Girls 2023 dolls are dedicated to the new G5 My Little Pony characters: Sunny, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp and probably Hitch.
不值高分的开端,但也不至于严重低分 - 哔哩哔哩
相比于b站在2018年收录的较乱的eqg小马国女孩系列,g5新时代确实是真正的小马大电影动画,而从制作上来说,虽从2d变成了3d,但并没有其他部分3d动画明显的“廉价感”或者诡异的画风,相反细节内容小如毛发、大到马行为还有其他建筑物品等等,绝对不是勉 ...
小马国女孩会有大结局吗? - 知乎
2020年12月13日 · 其实这些剧情瑕疵并不影响问题中提到的eqg结局问题,但正是因为eqg4的情况,多少导致其后再没有真正意义上的剧场版eqg,就算能作为剧场版看的特别篇以及对应的短片,其实明显能看出来从eqg3开始,官方就打算抛离eqg和fim的关系,然而这个决定反而让eqg陷于 ...
Equestria Girls in Gen 5 - MLP Generation 5 (G5) - MLP Forums
2021年7月23日 · I really don't think there should be an Equestria Girls in G5. Instead of being about magical ponies living out lives in a heavily magical world, EQG was about a group of human copies of characters going to high school.
孩之宝恢复EQG可能性?网友:希望渺茫 - 百度贴吧
众所周知的是 mlp/eqg企划已经彻底寄掉了 但如题所示,还是希望EQG回归 (本人巨爱大师姐),以及在当前儿童动漫内恢复EQG,也就是小马国女孩企划的可能性 (个人看法持悲观,EQG真的很不挣钱,周边玩偶孩之婊又做的一坨,没人买账。
EQG十周年还会出新的吗? 【小马国女孩吧】_百度贴吧
How would you reboot EqG for G5? - Equestria Girls - MLP Forums
2019年4月7日 · Depends on how the G5 ponies are. If the G5 ponies have longer manes and are more stylished (like like how Princess Luna looks like), I would do the same same for Equestria Girls: Make them smaller, more stream lined, and add …