1944 ERF DI6 British Road Services - IMCDb.org
2010年2月16日 · 1944 ERF DI6 in They Take The High Road, Short Movie, 1960 . Class: Trucks, Simple truck — Model origin:
IMCDb.org: 1946 ERF CI in "That Kind of Girl, 1963"
2020年4月26日 · DI6 and CI6 is the clue for 6-cylinders, the ERF 0E4 trucks were powered with the Gardner 4LW. Cabs with angled bottomed screens were used by the start of WWII (also some straight screens on flat-fronted cabs). December 1939 and November 1940 respectively. If we assume six cylinders, which one was the larger quantity built, and go for that?
IMCDb.org: 1946 ERF DI6 in "The Island, 1952"
1946 ERF DI6 in The Island, Documentary, 1952 Class: Trucks, Trailer truck (tractor) — Model origin: 00:07:10 Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene
Nature Communications | 朱新广/路铁刚/梁承志团队合作发现ERF …
2025年2月16日 · 研究团队通过比较不同物种中C4基因的调控网络,发现C4物种有更多的乙烯响应因子 (ethylene response factor,ERF)家族转录因子参与了C4基因的调控。 与之一致的是,C4物种中C4基因启动子区域获得了丰富的ERF顺式调控元件,并且这些调控元件位于染色体开放区间(图6)。 ERF家族转录因子是一类典型的响应非生物胁迫的调控因子,而黄顶菊属在C4演化过程中特异性地招募了ERF转录因子以调控C4基因的表达,表明C4光合的演化是C3植物应 …
1944 ERF DI6 Diesel KV Box Van - YouTube
1944 ERF DI6 Diesel KV Box Van Royal Three Counties Show 2019 - Three Counties Showground, Malvern, Worcestershire, England, United Kingdom 14th-16th June 2019
拟南芥乙烯反应元件结合因子充当GCC盒介导的基因表达的转录激 …
乙烯响应元件结合因子(ERF)是植物特有的新型转录因子家族的成员。 高度保守的DNA结合域称为ERF域,是该蛋白质家族的独特特征。 为了详细描述该转录因子家族,我们分离了编码五个不同ERF蛋白(AtERF1至AtERF5)的拟南芥cDNA,并分析了它们的结构,DNA结合偏好,反式激活能力和mRNA表达谱。 尽管所有五个都显示出GCC盒特异性结合活性,但根据ERF域内的氨基酸同一性,将分离的AtERF分为三类。 AtERF1,AtERF2和AtERF5充当拟南芥叶片中GCC盒依赖 …
ERF Gene Clusters: Working Together to Regulate Metabolism
These jasmonate-responsive ERF TF gene clusters control the biosynthesis of many important metabolites, from natural products, such as nicotine and steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs), to pharmaceuticals, such as artemisinin, vinblastine, and vincristine.
2024年2月26日 · 近日,园艺科学与工程学院王小非教授团队在《Plant Cell Environment》在线发表了题为“The AP2/ERF transcription factor MdDREB2A regulates nitrogen utilisation and sucrose transport under drought...
APETALA2/Ethylene Responsive Factor (AP2/ERF ... - New …
2013年5月7日 · Due to their plasticity and to the specificity of individual members of this family, AP2/ERF transcription factors represent valuable targets for genetic engineering and breeding of crops. In this review, we integrate the evidence collected from functional and structural studies to describe their different mechanisms of action and the ...
植物AP2/ERF转录因子家族的研究进展 - biotech.aiijournal.com
研究发现,ap2/erf转录因子可通过响应乙烯、细胞分裂素和生长素的调节从而直接或间接参与种子发育过程、花和果实等器官的形态建成等植物发育的多个进程;除了初生代谢,ap2/erf转录因子还在植物次生代谢尤其是在调控药用植物主要药用活性成分(如青蒿素 ...