Escambia River Gun Club - Florida, Alabama, Gulf Coast Gun Talk
2024年10月28日 · ERGC 22 Rimfire Benchrest Match 5/28. LeeB; May 26, 2022; Replies 0 Views 5K. May 26, 2022. LeeB. New ...
ERGC which one of you fudds was it?
2024年3月19日 · So Im not one to complain but this one got to me. I got up early today for a day at the range. I went to test some reloads 357 and 223. I was the first at the range ERGC. The first range has concrete now so cool, I picked it to shoot. Had a guest from work go with me. I …
ICORE 2024 Postal Match at ERGC | Florida, Alabama, Gulf Coast …
2024年7月3日 · Saturday July 6 we will be shooting the 2024 ICORE Postal match at The Escambia River Gun Club. 5 stages of fire about 100 rounds. All revolver fun! Cost is $15 ERGC members and $20 everyone else. 8:00 safety brief Signup at Practiscore or on site. See ICORE.org for more info on the stages...
Down Zero IDPA at ERGC August 26th Match
2023年8月6日 · Register on Practiscore for the August 26th IDPA match at Escambia River Gun Club. New shooters are welcome and your match fee will be waived if this is your first IDPA match. All you need to participate is a pistol 9mm or larger, belt, rigid holster that covers the trigger guard, 2 mag...
Down Zero at ERGC | Florida, Alabama, Gulf Coast Gun Talk
2023年7月12日 · Looks like there's an effort to revamp the IDPA club at ERGC. The match will be at the end of January on the 28th...
Road access at ERGC | Florida, Alabama, Gulf Coast Gun Talk
2022年4月6日 · Actually, it's a County Road but ERGC is responsible for the Road Maintenance in exchange for the County giving them the land the Gun Club sits on back in 2014 or 2015. There are about 4-5 private landowners that live on that side of the Gun Range.
ERGC (random range closings) | Florida, Alabama, Gulf Coast Gun …
2022年6月19日 · I received an email stating that ranges 5 and 5a as well as ranges 6 and 7 would be randomly closing for maintenance. But I get the distinct feeling that only ranges 5 and 5a would actually be closed and 6 and 7 (the discipline ranges) would continue on as normal. I …
ERGC which one of you fudds was it? | Page 2 | Florida, Alabama, …
2024年3月19日 · So my favorite ERGC FUDD story... this happened many years ago. Was on one of the ranges plinking away when I believe it was a lady and her son came out, obviously he was teaching her to shoot. She broke the 180 plane and started to come around a little bit and this FUDD just GOES OFF on her yelling and screaming.
Anyone here a member of ERGC | Florida, Alabama, Gulf Coast …
2024年9月18日 · ERGC is a steal for the access and freedom to train my edc or rifle and pistol cqb technique. Drawing from ...
2020年7月27日 · Got the itch to go shooting Tuesday then realized Southern Tactical is closed. Does Escambia River Gun Club require a membership to shoot for the day? I have scoured the website and all I can find is that it is a "private club."