Was Erich Von Manstein as big a deal as he is made out to be?
2022年3月20日 · Von Manstein can arguably be seen as the greatest general of the 20th century, even higher than the likes of Zhukov or Patton. Manstein was World War 2’s greatest tactician, …
Why was a convicted Nazi war criminal buried with military …
Erich von Manstein died of a stroke on the night of 9 June 1973 at the age of 85. As the last but one[a] surviving German field marshal, he was buried with full military honours, his funeral …
The Fate of Erich Von Manstein : r/TNOmod - Reddit
2020年11月21日 · Erich Von Manstein would often look up in the sky and attempt to identify each aircraft that would fly over the city. The Prussian works hard for most of his adult life, but in his …
What were Erichs Von Mainstein flaws? : r/AskHistorians - Reddit
2021年2月10日 · Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein was certainly one of the most competent and respected military commanders that commanded the various forces of the …
Erich Von Manstein, one of the greatest strategic minded men
2021年9月17日 · Much of von Manstein’s purported military prowess originated in his self serving memoir, reports he wrote for the US Army post war, and Liddell Hart. The latter was a prolific …
Why is von Manstein generally considered to be the best WW2
2014年5月5日 · Manstein launched a counter offensive that was extremely successful destroying three Soviet armies and preventing the collapse of the entire front. He even recaptured the city …
What if Erich von Manstein ruled Nazi Germany instead of Adolf
2023年7月29日 · The thing is Manstein got to write his memoirs and hitler was dead. Add to this the lack of information the western would got about the eastern front from the Soviets because …
What distinguished Erich Von Manstein as a military commander?
Also on the debit side, Manstein was repeatedly mugged-off by Vatutin's maskirovka operations. His real failing was endemic to the Prussian military tradition - a near pathological neglect of …
Mareșalul Antonescu și generalul german Erich von Manstein
2020年8月17日 · Contraatacul lui von Manstein nu a fost chiar oprit. Reusise sa creeze un coridor prin care Armata a VI-a ar fi putut fi evacuata, insa era nevoie ca Armatei a VI-a sa i se …
Who was more evil out of these three Wehrmacht generals? Erich …
Rommel is problematic, but Manstein and Guderian both fought in Russia and approved of things like the commissar order. Manstein cooperated with the Einsatzgruppen. Guderian was in …