Home page | Educational Technology
Welcome to the Centre for Educational Technology at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay. We are actively involved in research and education in areas of pedagogies and tools for technology-enhanced learning.
Discover | Educational Technology - IIT Bombay
The EdTech Research lab (EdTech RLab) facilitates Ph.D. research scholars to do collaborative research and work on their thesis. The EdTech Development lab (EdTech DLab) is packed with emerging technology tools like Virtual Reality HMDs, 3D printers, physical computing devices and high-end workstations.
All Courses | Educational Technology - IIT Bombay
The course introduces the participants to a range of commonly useful tools relevant to educational technology. ET-Tools Lab course will help students in understanding tools useful for creating online learning content, online assessment, using visualization, analyzing data, etc.
Inter-Disciplinary Programme in Educational Technology
The Inter-Disciplinary Programme (IDP) in Educational Technology was established by the Government of India at the campus of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay in 2010. This is primarily a research group actively involved in research and education in the area of technologies to promote the learning-teaching process.
SPARTA Research Group - GitHub
We are a newly formed research group in IDP in Educational Technology, IIT Bombay started in May 2022. Our research focuses on human-centered Artificial Intelligence that enhances human capabilities, understands and anticipates an individual’s needs, especially with context to learning.
Education Technology - Indian Institute of Technology et-iitb
et-iitb has 13 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
ET 610 - LA & EDM 2021 - Google Sites
This website is for the ET 610 Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining course offered at IIT Bombay, EdTech department from Jul to Nov 2021. The course content and lecture videos are...
NextEducation Research Lab - GitHub Pages
The Next Education Research Laboratory has been setup in Inter-disciplinary Program in Educational Technology at IIT Bombay in 2017. The lab is funded by Next Education Private Ltd. The goals of the lab are:
The Interdisciplinary Programme (IDP) in Educational Technology (ET) at IIT Bombay is actively involved in research and education in the area of technologies to promote the learning-teaching process.