Pokémon The Eternal Flower (or: Floette-E) - Smogon University
2014年2月28日 · The Eternal Flower can also use a Scarf to become a revenge killer and possibly a late-game cleaner. The Choice Scarf fixes one of Floette-E's biggest problems, its average speed. With it, it can revenge dragons like Lati@s and non-scarf Garchomp and fighting-types like Keldeo, Terrakion, and Infernape, as well as M-Garados, Greninja and others.
886 Floette (Eternal) - Pokémon (Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon) - Project ...
2017年11月15日 · Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Floette (Eternal) Category N/A Type Ability Flower Veil Hidden Ability Symbiosis Height 0.2 m (0'8") Weight 0.9 kg (2.0 lbs.) Gender All Female Egg Group Undiscovered Details Catch Rate 120 Evo Stage 2 Hatch Cycles 20 Base Frien...
881 Floette (Eternal) - Pokémon (Sun/Moon) - Project Pokémon
2017年11月15日 · Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Sun and Moon See more images Pokédex Name Floette (Eternal) Category N/A Type Ability Flower Veil Hidden Ability Symbiosis Description The jewel from its chest, which has growngigantic due to the effects of Mega Evolution,can turn back any attack. Height 0.2 m (0'8") We...
Pet Mod Eternal Pokémon - Slate 6: Kirlia, Skiddo, Pancham, Espurr
2024年11月17日 · Eternal Pokémon are also given a brand new signature move in addition to their original movepool. Lastly, submitters are expected to choose among the abilities that the slated Pokémon has available to them, which one the slated Pokémon should be locked to, as Eternal Floette is always locked to Flower Veil, for instance. This doesn't apply ...
Eternal Flower Floette - Project Pokemon Forums
2017年10月26日 · Is this the correct way to do it? Or the other one? (Floette Main Save Eternal Flower) 670-05 - Floette - E239EE6B2801 Eternal Flower Floette Main Save.pk7. boxdata Floette Main Save Eternal Flower.bin
Pokémon The Eternal Flower (or: Floette-E) - Smogon University
2014年2月28日 · Floette-E really does appear to be the suicide-bomber kind of Pokémon. It doesn't sweep in the way that say, M-Gardevoir does - it seems best suited to a wallbreaker role, smashing apart defensive cores with your massively OP STAB for a few turns before you die, so another sweeper can clean up.
Pokémon The Eternal Flower (or: Floette-E) - Smogon University
2014年2月28日 · 252+ SpA Choice Specs Floette-E Light of Ruin vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mew: 262-310 (64.8 - 76.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery Both Gardevoir and Floette-E will have completely different roles, with the former being an awesome revenge killer with a scarf and the latter being used to completely obliterate walls.
Pokémon The Eternal Flower (or: Floette-E) - Smogon University
2014年2月28日 · The calcs are nice but every Steel-, Poison-, and Fire-type in the tier can take one hit from Floette, even Talonflame. If they outspeed that Modest Floette (think Charizard) then Floette is forced to switch or die in most cases. And even then, Floette has to come into battle in the first place. This Pokemon is so ass against Offensive teams.
Pokémon The Eternal Flower (or: Floette-E) - Smogon University
2014年2月28日 · The Eternal Flower has its very own signature move, Light of Ruin, which it naturally learns at Level 50. It is a special Fairy-type attack with a whopping 140 base power and apparently, a recoil-effect similar to Head Smash.
Pet Mod Eternal Pokemon V2 [Slate 4: Yet-To-Be Beasts]
2022年4月18日 · Eternal Pokémon V2 Approved By Pet Mod Staff Mostly Copied From Original Thread The idea behind this Pet Mod would be to give every single Non Fully Evolved Pokémon the same treatment that was given to Floette-E. Rules Submission Phase In the Submission phase, users get to submit the...