Ethyl group - Wikipedia
In organic chemistry, an ethyl group (abbr. Et) is an alkyl substituent with the formula −CH2CH3, derived from ethane (C2H6).
Ethyl | C2H5 | CID 123138 - PubChem
2021年10月14日 · Ethyl | C2H5 | CID 123138 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
乙基 - 百度百科
乙基是一种烷基基团,是乙烷分子中去掉一个氢原子后剩下的烷基,化学式为-C2H5。 由碳和氢元素组成。 乙基可以构成乙醇(C2H5OH)、乙醚(C2H5OC2H5)、溴乙烷(C2H5Br)等有机物。
Ethanol - Wikipedia
Ethanol (also called ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, drinking alcohol, or simply alcohol) is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3CH2OH. It is an alcohol, with its formula also written as C2H5OH, C2H6O or EtOH, where Et stands for ethyl.
CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH-CH2OH | C2H5 Nama IUPAC | StudyX
Pada posisi 2, terdapat grup etil (C2H5) sebagai substituen. Maka, nama yang tepat adalah 2-etil-1-heksanol. Untuk menentukan nama IUPAC dengan benar, kita harus memilih rantai terpanjang yang mengandung gugus fungsional utama (alkohol) dan kemudian menomori senyawa tersebut agar gugus alkil tereduksi pada nomor terkecil. Analisis Pilihan Lain
Ethyl group | chemical compound | Britannica
…larger homologs such as the ethyl group, C 2 H 5, which attach to a metal atom through only one carbon atom. (Simple alkyl groups such as these are often abbreviated by the symbol R.) More elaborate organic groups include the cyclopentadienyl group, C 5 H 5, in which all five carbon atoms can form bonds…
Этил — Википедия
Этил С 2 Н 5 — одновалентный радикал этана (С 2 Н 6) [1]. Следует отделять частицу — свободный радикал •СН 2 —CH 3 (частица с неспаренным электроном на внешней орбитали) и группу атомов — этильная группа — СН 2 —CH 3 (также обозначается как —Et), являющейся частью химического соединения. В промышленности производится расщеплением бутана.
Ethyl radical | C2H5 - ChemSpider
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for Ethyl radical, QUPDWYMUPZLYJZ-UHFFFAOYSA-N
Ethyl radical - NIST Chemistry WebBook
Data evaluated as indicated in comments: HL - Edward P. Hunter and Sharon G. Lias. View reactions leading to C 2 H 5+ (ion structure unspecified) 616. The Magnetron method, lacking mass analysis, is not considered reliable.; Go To: Top, Gas phase ion energetics data, Notes.
ethyl | C2H5 | Reactory
Names, description, applications, structure, physical properties and reactions for the compound "ethyl".
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