ETS1 - Wikipedia
In adult humans, Ets1 is expressed at high levels mainly in immune tissues such as thymus, spleen, and lymph node (B cells, T cells, NK cells, and NK T cells and non-lymphoid immune cells). An enforced expression of Ets1 blocks differentiation of B- and T-cells. By contrast, knocking Ets1 down causes multiple defects in the immune system.
ETS1 Gene - GeneCards | ETS1 Protein | ETS1 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · ETS1 (ETS Proto-Oncogene 1, Transcription Factor) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with ETS1 include Jacobsen Syndrome and Hematologic Cancer. Among its related pathways are Cellular responses to stimuli and Cellular Senescence.
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Review of Ets1 structure, function, and roles in immunity - PMC
Here we review and summarize the general features of Ets1 and describe its roles in immunity and autoimmunity, with a focus on its roles in B lymphocytes. We also review evidence that suggests that Ets1 may play a role in malignant transformation of hematopoietic malignancies including B cell malignancies.
ets-1,又称ets、c-ets、c-ets-1或tpl-1,是一种与e26禽红母细胞增生症病毒gag和myb基因结合的融合蛋白。在人类中,ets基因家族有28个基因 。ets-1基因位于第11号染色体(11q23-q24) 。人类ets-1基因的主要亚型由8个外显子编码,分别为外显子a和外显子Ⅲ~Ⅸ 。
ETS转录因子家族 - 百度百科
ETS转录因子家族,ETS (E-twenty six)是转录因子家族中的最大的一个家族之一,它是后生动物所特有的。 该家族基因在人中有29个,在老鼠中有28个,在线虫中有10个,在果蝇中有9个。 组成此家族的基因被认为是基因通过被 白血病病毒 (leukemia virus, E26)转化而来的。 该家族的成员与不同组织的发育和癌症相关。 结构:所有的ETS家族蛋白 都有一个高度保守的DNA结合结构域,即ETS结构域,该结构域有一个螺旋转螺旋的侧翼,可以结合有GGA (A/T)序列的 DNA结合位点 …
ETS1 ETS proto-oncogene 1, transcription factor [ (human)]
Ets-1 regulated angiogenesis through the induction of angiogenic growth factors (VEGF and HGF). Ets1 serves as an effector for protein kinase C alpha to fulfil certain functions in cancer ce; ets-1 is transcriptionally up-regulated by H2O2 via an …
ETS 原癌基因 1,转录因子(ETS1)基因 | MCE
该基因编码 ETS 转录因子家族的成员,其定义为存在一个保守的 ETS DNA 结合域,该域识别目标基因中的核心共有 DNA 序列 GGAA/T。 这些蛋白质作为许多基因的转录激活因子或抑制因子发挥作用,并参与干细胞发育、细胞衰老和死亡以及肿瘤发生。 已针对该基因描述了编码不同亚型的可变剪接转录物变体。 [RefSeq 提供,2011 年 7 月]
The transcription factor ETS1 is an important regulator of human …
2020年7月16日 · By generating ETS1-deficient human embryonic stem cells and by expressing the dominant-negative ETS1 p27 isoform in cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells, we show that the transcription factor ETS1 is critically required for human NK cell differentiation.
2020年5月4日 · RNA测序结合染色质免疫沉淀 (ChIP-seq)的全基因组转录组分析显示,人类ETS1可直接诱导控制NK细胞分化的关键转录因子E4BP4、TXNIP、TBET、GATA3、HOBIT和BLIMP1的表达。 此外,ETS1还调控凋亡和NK细胞活化相关基因的表达。 本研究揭示了ETS1作为人类NK细胞发育和终末分化的重要调控因子的分子机制。 原始出处: Sylvie Taveirne,et al. The transcription factor ETS1 is an important regulator of human NK cell development and …