Universal Ultrasound Processor (EU-ME2) - Olympus America
The versatile EU-ME2 is forward and backward compatible with a wide range of Olympus EUS and EBUS scopes as well as ultrasound miniature probes. Since the processor is appropriate for gastroenterology, pulmonary and thoracic surgery departments, it offers healthcare facilities with a cost-effective resource that can be shared across specialties.
奥林巴斯超声内镜图像处理装置EU-ME2 - Tengrant
EU-ME2具备的高分辨率和高清画质,可实现真正的高清晰EUS和EBUS手术观察,有助于更好地检出和定性诊断病灶。 弹性成像模式等新功能开启了超声内镜检查的新未来。 B模式画质明显改善,可更有效的定位病变,并更准确的确认病变特性及边界范围。 清晰的图像有助于EUS-FNA(内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检术)中准确的穿刺和吸引,利于开展有效的治疗方案。 电子环形扫描. 电子凸阵扫描(EUS-FNA) 电子凸阵扫描(EBUS-TBNA)* 组织谐波(THE)模式. 超声波 …
Dedicated ultrasound processor - Olympus Medical Systems
The fully integrated EU-ME2 high-quality, compact EUS processor enables integration with a conventional endoscopy on a single workstation, is compatible with miniature probes, and utilizes advanced features for imaging, sampling and interventional EUS/EBUS procedures.
Universal Ultrasound Processor for EBUS (EU-ME2)
Universal Ultrasound Processor for EBUS (EU-ME2) The EU-ME2 and EU-ME2 Premier Plus provide outstanding image quality, comparable to a large radiology processor, in a compact model. This versatile system allows real-time visualization of the targeted area for precise sampling of lymph nodes and peripheral lesions.
《奥林巴斯EU-ME2+PREMIERPLUS电子超声支气管内镜系统2024 …
2024年9月12日 · 提供奥林巴斯eu-me2+premierplus电子超声支气管内镜系统最新中标价格信息,准确、详细,数据详实准确,为医疗设备采购人员、医院管理者及相关从业者提供有力参考。
The versatile EU-ME2 is backward and forward compatible with a wide variety of Olympus EBUS and EUS scopes and radial EBUS probes. The processor offers a cost-effective solution to pulmonary, thoracic surgery, and gastroenterology departments
内窥镜视频处理器 - EU-ME2 - Olympus Medical Europa/奥林巴斯
完全集成的EU-ME2高质量、紧凑的EUS处理器能在一个工作站上与传统内窥镜整合,与微型探头兼容,并利用先进的功能进行成像、采样和介入EUS/EBUS程序。 组织谐波成像。 CH-EUS(对比度谐波内窥镜超声)。 弹性成像。 所有相关的流量功能(COLOR、POWER、H-Flow)和PW多普勒。 紧凑、节省空间的设计。 与微型探头兼容。 完全集成。 使用非常方便。 此为机器翻译文本。 (查看英文原文) MedicalExpo(医疗网上展览会)为您提供内窥镜视频处理器产品详细信息 …
Integrating both electronic and mechanical scanning technologies, the EU-ME2 is a total endosonography solution compatible with virtually all available OLYMPUS ultrasound endoscopes and miniature probes, providing access to a
创新医械丨内窥镜龙头奥林巴斯:内镜超声新品再升级 - 知乎
2022年10月13日 · 时隔多年推出的eu-me3,较eu-me2提供了更好的图像质量,在成像方面一步步精密精细化;剪切波量化功能可以提供肿瘤和炎症病变硬度的定量信息,帮助精确诊断;内窥镜超声在促进支气管内超声引导下的经支气管针吸术(ebus-tbna)的可视化方面也发挥了关键作用 ...
View and Download Olympus EU-ME2 quick reference manual online. EU-ME2 medical equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Eu-me2 premier plus.