Euler's Flycatcher - eBird
Medium-sized flycatcher found in the understory and borders of humid forests. Note two conspicuous buffy wingbars framed with black and contrasting with a brown back, a gray-brown breast, and a buff belly. The lower mandible is paler than the upper. Similar to Fuscous Flycatcher, but without a prominent eyebrow.
Euclid, the Crow - Scienticity
The fiercely intelligent-looking bird is a crow by the name of "Euclid Cornwallis vanderKroew", or simply "Euclid" for short. More specifically, he is an American Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos. The American Crow is distinctly North American. Distinctively, it is entirely black, from its iridescent black feathers to its black legs, feet, and bill.
eBird - Discover a new world of birding...
6 天之前 · eBird transforms your bird sightings into science and conservation. Plan trips, find birds, track your lists, explore range maps and bird migration—all free.
Geoff Bird Profile - University College London
View the University College London profile of Geoff Bird. Including their publications and grants.
Karen Schucan Bird Profile - University College London
Dr Karen Schucan Bird is an Associate Professor in Social and Political Science. She is an interdisciplinary social scientist who tackles real-world issues through collaborative research. Karen has extensive experience of undertaking policy-relevant and useful research with expertise in domestic abuse and systematic reviews.
Explore - eBird
Maps, stats, photos, and sounds for any bird in the world, including personalized stats based on your eBirding. Surprise me! Explore interactive range maps by species or subspecies — zoom in for details. Discover the best places for birding nearby or around the world. Explore media through the Macaulay Library.
EUCL - Rwanda Energy Group
The Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL) was incorporated to have devoted attention in providing energy utility services in the Country through operations and maintenance of existing generation plants, transmission and distribution network and retail of electricity to end-users.
氯化铕 - 百度百科
三氯化铕是一种有机物,化学式为EuCl3,为黄色的固体,溶于水和乙醇。 它有强烈的吸水性,无水物暴露在潮湿的空气中时会迅速吸水转变为白色结晶六水合物(EuCl3‧6H2O)。 [3] 1.性状:六方针状晶体。 2. 密度(g/mL,25℃):4.89。 4. 熔点(ºC):623。 5. 溶解性:溶于水 [1]。 可溶于水,溶液对甲基橙显中性,对石蕊显酸性。 高温下分解生成EuCl2和Cl2。 将氧化铕在含有S2Cl2的Cl2气流中加热,或将氧化铕溶解于浓盐酸中,将其水溶液在水浴上蒸发、浓缩,冷 …
<br>在 EuCl2 化合物中发现创纪录的低温磁热效应 ... - X-MOL
2024年12月4日 · 在这里,我们报道了正交 EuCl2 中的巨型 MCE,其中通过将从头开始计算与布里渊函数分析和磁性测量相结合,证明了具有优异的 Eu2+ 单离子行为和自由自旋的铁磁基态。 因此,创纪录的 −ΔSM ∼ 74.6 J·kg–1·实验实现了 5 T 时的 K–1 (1.8 K),接近理论极限的 96% (77.5 J·kg–1·K-1)。 在 1 T 的较低磁场下,EuCl2 还达到了 −ΔSM ∼ 36.8 J·kg–1·K-1.此外,直接的准绝热退磁测量表明,其较大的 −ΔSM 使 EuCl2 能够在亚开尔文温度 (∼346 mK) 下 …
UCL East Campus Run 2025
30 April 2025, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm The UCL Campus Run will offer all UCL students, staff and alumni the opportunity to take part in either the 5km or 10km route on the inspiring Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park at UCL East! The Campus Run will bring the UCL community together in positive, welcoming ...