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Trade - Eurex
2025年2月27日 · Trade at Eurex Exchange and enjoy one-stop-shopping. We provide you with direct access to more than 2,000 products — including some of the most liquid derivatives in the world. Besides exchange traded derivatives from our central order book you also can enter off-book trades through our Eurex Trade Entry Services, enabling you to combine ...
Markets - Eurex
2025年2月27日 · Eurex Repo Rules & Regulations. Corporate actions. Eurex derivatives in the U.S. Regulations. Sanctions. A hybrid world of opportunity The power of change in FX markets. Read the article Unleashing New Possibilities for European Markets Download whitepaper Corporate actions.
Aktienoptionen - Eurex
Eurex Exchange ist Ihr One-Stop-Shop für europäische Aktienoptionen! Unser Angebot umfasst mehr als 900 Optionen auf die bekanntesten europäischen Basiswerte aus insgesamt 13 verschiedenen Ländern.
Equity Index Derivatives - Eurex
Trade equity index derivatives, futures, and options at Eurex. Access a wide range of index products and global benchmarks from STOXX®, MSCI® and FTSE®.
Weiterführende Informationen zur Handhabung von Störungen finden Sie im Emergency Playbook, das Sie auf der Eurex Internetseite unter Support --> Emergencies and safeguards (nur in Englischer Sprache verfügbar) finden.
Trading calendar - Eurex
Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Eurex webpage under Support --> Emergencies and safeguards. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5 ...
Focus Day: The EMIR 3.0 active account requirement
2025年1月14日 · This Focus Day aims to provide insights into the draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) on the active accounts mandate under EMIR 3.0, recently published by the EU market authority ESMA. Additionally, we will examine the …
Aktien - Eurex
Nutzen Sie die Vorteile enger Geld-/Brief-Spannen und hoher Liquidität, um mit den Eurex-Aktienoptionen auf alle Komponenten des EURO STOXX 50 ® Index das Marktrisiko aktiv abzusichern. Unsere Single Stock Futures decken den Großteil des EURO STOXX ® 600 Index ab und bieten dank des im Vergleich zum Aktienerwerb am Kassamarkt wesentlich ...
Futures and options on the EURO STOXX 50 ® Index are the most actively traded EUR-denominated equity index derivatives at Eurex. The EURO STOXX 50 ® Index comprises the 50 leading blue chip stocks in the Eurozone countries. The index weighting is based on a free-float market capitalization, with a maximum weighting of ten percent for each ...