VP1 is the primary determinant of neuropathogenesis in a mouse …
2024年7月23日 · Chimeric viruses were used to demonstrate that viral structural protein VP1 determines growth in the spinal cord, motor neuron loss, and paralysis following intramuscular …
Atomic structures of enterovirus D68 in complex with two …
2018年11月5日 · The capsid of EV-D68 contains 60 copies of each of four proteins VP1 to VP4, arranged with pseudo T = 3 symmetry 9. The capsid accommodates deep surface …
Enterovirus D68 molecular and cellular biology and pathogenesis
VP1 is the primary determinant of enterovirus serotype, plays a major role in antigenicity , and is the site of receptor binding (15, 17). Therefore, variation in VP1 sequences is likely a …
EV-D68 virus-like particle vaccines elicit cross-clade ... - Science
2023年5月17日 · Analysis of the amino acid sequences in the VP1 variable loops of 2021 and 2022 B clade viruses using the Nextstrain resource indicates that most isolates maintain the …
VP1 is the primary determinant of neuropathogenesis in a mouse …
VP1 is the primary determinant of neuropathogenesis in a mouse model of enterovirus D68 acute flaccid myelitis. J Smith Leser. ... Having ruled out EVD68 non-structural proteins and 3’UTR …
Structure and inhibition of EV-D68, a virus that causes respiratory ...
Part of the VP1 GH loop (residues 212–215) that forms the entrance to the VP1 pocket had become less ordered. The Cα atom of residue 211 had moved 1.2 Å towards the inside of the …
A Novel Peptide from VP1 of EV-D68 Exhibits Broad-Spectrum
2024年10月19日 · P25, derived from the HI loop and β-I sheet of VP1, operates through a conserved hydrophilic motif -R---K-K--K- and the hydrophobic F near the N-terminus. It could …
EV-D68 VP1蛋白的生物信息学分析和候选疫苗表位肽段预测及筛 …
摘要 目的:通过对人肠道病毒D68型(EV-D68)衣壳蛋白VP1理化性质、结构功能和B细胞表位分析,获取候选疫苗肽段用于后期疫苗研制。 方法:应用Bioedit软件、Netphos和ExPASy等在线工具分 …
A Novel Neutralizing Antibody Specific to the DE Loop of VP1 …
2018年11月1日 · We observed that A6-1 bound to the DE loop of EV-D68 VP1 and interfered with the interaction between the EV-D68 virus and α2,6-linked sialic acids of the host cell. The …
Enterovirus D68 VP1抗体 (GTX132313) | GeneTex中文官方网站
Non-transfected (–) and transfected (+) 293T whole cell extracts (30 μg) were separated by 12% SDS-PAGE, and the membrane was blotted with Enterovirus D68 VP1 antibody (GTX132313) …