EVE Online Forums
Player-created empires, player-driven markets, and endless ways to embark on your personal sci-fi adventure.
Found on the internet - Page 4 - EVE Online Forums
2023年7月20日 · “EVE Online is a free-to-play community driven space MMO where…” “EVE Online is the largest single shard space MMO of all time.” “Experience this vast spaceship MMO for free as an Alpha Clone…” So I really saw it being labelled as MMORPG the first time today when I opened that article.
CCP starts "new and highly ambitious MMORPG" // EVE 2 coming?
2017年12月26日 · With EVE being a double-edged sword, both stable and stagnant, it might make sense to re-think it in a no holds barred kind of way. Direct changes to EVE always face huge resistance of the current playerbase, especially the longterm section of it. A game should be easy to advertise by players to other players and EVE is not really that at the ...
Latest topics - EVE Online Forums
2025年3月20日 · The Early Days- Diving into the Lore and Past of Eve. New Citizens Q&A. 4: 13: March 20, 2025 ...
MMORPG: EVE Online Interview: Learning Lessons In The …
2021年8月29日 · “We’re very used to being blamed for all sorts of things,” EVE’s creative director Bergur Finnbogasson told MMORPG in an interview last week. Because you are the reason for all sorts of things going downhill after all. But EVE is a single shard universe. I don’t think it’s humanly possible to be able to decipher these second, third and fourth waves of impact of [the] changes, which ...
Is EVE the MMO to play for people who don't have time to play …
2022年2月22日 · I have been playing EVE now for almost 2 years and for the amount of work I put into EVE vs where I stand in the game I am way further along as I would have been if I was playing another MMO like Final Fantasy 14, World of Warcraft, New World or Lost Ark. I have been goofing off in EVE most of the time. So why is this so? Well there is a couple of things that I found that helped me along with ...
tEVE - Text/Discord based EVE MMORPG - EVE Online Forums
2018年6月11日 · not really, if that’s the case every single eve app is… this falls under the same premise that no money made means nothing is bad about it, and falls under “non-commercial and non-profit use solely to improve the enjoyment of EVE”, if an eve minigame that you play in the background isn’t improving your enjoyment of eve then why are you playing eve…
Found on the internet - General Discussion - EVE Online Forums
2023年7月20日 · Since when is EVE MMORPG? MMP sure, RPG hardly… Anyway so 110k subscribers is not the same as 110k subs/plexes sold each month. The article doesn’t seem to know the fact that multiboxing is allowed and even promoted in this game. So at best that is half the count. At the very best.
Allow translation of chat? - EVE Online Forums
2020年4月18日 · If you use an overlay such as EVE Vision, you can have Google Translate in the game itself (this is not an endorsement). The heavy use of EVE-specific terminology and slang would be lost in translation in any case (even if performed by a fluent but EVE/MMORPG-ignorant translator), so it’s not as if translators would solve the problem.
Questions d'un débutant probablement 1000x posées - Général
2022年11月7日 · Bonjour a tous. Après avoir fait le tour de pas mal de MMORPG conventionnel , EVE me fait de l’œil depuis un bon moment. Avant de me lancer comme un idiot ,je me permet quelques questions , qui je le sait sont probablement déjà posées en boucles. Commençons par qui suis-je ? J’ai un âge avancé mais je n’ai pas combattu sur les plages de Normandie ^^ J’ai un bon temps de jeu ...