PFP in Excel - McGraw Hill Education
There is no PFP in Excel for Chapter 17. To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center.
Excel - PFP
W czasie kursu "Excel - podstawy" od kompletnego zera wprowadzę Cię w świat najbardziej popularnej na świecie aplikacji biurowej, używanej przez ponad 1 miliard użytkowników na …
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Excel - HPLC
ACE Excel 2µm columns are available with C18-PFP and C18-AR “Extra Resolving Power” phases. These two unique phases offer multiple mechanisms of separation and have been specifically developed to provide alternative selectivity to C18 phases. ACE Excel 2µm columns are also available with C18, C8, C4, CN, AQ, Phenyl and Silica phases.
Avantor® ACE® Excel C18-PFP - MAC-MOD Analytical
Home / All Brands / Avantor ® ACE ® / Avantor ® ACE ® Excel ® UHPLC and HPLC Columns / Avantor ® ACE ® Excel C18-PFP Key Applications Acylcarnitines by LC-MS-MS
ACE色谱柱普通系列和Excel系列的区别 - 公司新闻 - 艾可依生物科 …
它适合于1.7um,2um,3um以及5um等合种粒径的产品,所有的产品是以货号“EXL-”。 也就是ACE Excel系列。 ACE的UHPLC/HPLC兼容的高压柱管所填装的产品(货号EXL-开头)可以完全取代HPLC柱管填装的同等固定相产品(货号ACE-开头)。 不改变分离与保留行为。 很多客人会问,例如同是C18-AR 3μ 150X4.6MM色谱柱,为什么ACE色谱柱会有ACE-119-1546和EXL-119-1546U两种货号呢?
HPLC Column ACE EXCEL 3 C18-PFP 150x4.6mm - Analytics-Shop
ACE® Excel® C18-PFP phase utilizes a specially developed ligand combining a C18 chain with integral PFP functionality. This results in a phase that maintains the hydrophobic, stability and low bleed characteristics of leading C18 phases, yet provides the …
PFP in Excel - McGraw Hill Education
Chapter 12 PFP in Excel (34.0K) Chapter 13 PFP in Excel (35.0K) Chapter 14 PFP in Excel (72.0K) To learn more about the book this website supports, please visit its Information Center. 2010 McGraw-Hill Higher Education Any use is subject to the ...
美国ACE 色谱柱 EXL-1110-1546U-ACE EXCEL 3 C18-PFP, 150 X …
ace色谱柱 exl-1110-1546u-ace excel 3 c18-pfp, 150 x 4.6 mm -结合了C18和五氟苯基(PFP)功能 -C18的疏水性、稳定性和低流失特性与PFP的π-π相互作用、
Avantor® ACE® Excel® C18-PFP, HPLC/UHPLC Columns, …
Avantor® ACE® Excel® C18-PFP phase utilizes a specially developed ligand combining a C18 chain with integral PFP functionality. This results in a phase that maintains the hydrophobic, stability and low bleed characteristics of leading C18 phases, yet provides the multiple retention mechanisms of a PFP phase.
五氟苯基-ACE C18-PFP色谱柱_ACE色谱柱-南通海箬化学有限公司
PFP分离机制 ACE C18-PFP相显示有多个保留机制,包括疏水性、π-π相互作用、偶极-偶极、氢键和形状选择性。 虽然下述部分提供了相对强度的近似值,但每个保留机制的优势由溶质的物理/化学性质、其结构和所采用的色谱条件决定。 PFP环在相的表面上加入了芳香特性。 然而,PFP相不同于苯基相,因为电负性氟原子会产生缺电子的苯环,使得PFP相可以作为路易斯酸而起作用。 这将与能够给出电子的分析物(即路易斯碱)相互作用。 这与苯基相相反,苯基相 …