How to call Stored Procedure in a View? - Stack Overflow
2009年5月27日 · How would I call a Stored Procedure that returns data in a View? Is this even possible?
Create a table or view from EXEC statement SQL Server
2017年2月8日 · You can use the openquery to run the SELECT on remote server and create a view from the result set. Here is a code sample. The sample creates local1 as the linked server and executes the query on it. If you already have your linked server registered, you don't need to run the step 1 and 4. -- Step 1. register a linked server exec sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'local1', @srvproduct ...
sql - Create View by select * from exec (MySP) - Stack Overflow
2012年6月19日 · Since in View I cannot run Exec (myQry) I thought to create a function and run my query there and then use it in my View but I cannot create a table variable to put the result in there, because number of my columns my vary each time I run the query.
Create A View With Dynamic Sql - Stack Overflow
EXEC('/*A lot of database creation code built off of @databaseName*/') This is all well and good except for one view that we'd like to create in @databaseName. I've tried four different ways to create this view without success: My first thought was to simply set the database context and then create the view in one script.
Is it possible to use sp_executesql to create a view?
2019年6月10日 · Is it possible to use sp_executesql to create a view? Yes, it's possible to create a view like EXEC sp_exeutesql N'DROP VIEW IF EXISTS [dbo].[MyView]; CREATE VIEW [MyView] AS SELECT 1 AS Col'; Now, let's go to the Why not just N'CREATE VIEW [dbo].[vwAS2ConnectionUpdated] as' By visiting the CREATE VIEW page, you can see the definition: Creates a virtual table whose contents (columns and rows ...
sql - How to exec a create view with variables - Stack Overflow
2019年1月17日 · I am trying to execute a view every time to procedure run. what is the problem with my code? why it doesn't work? CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.MTBFAlterView @PressType nvarchar(50), @TestName nvarchar(50...
How to refresh materialized view in oracle - Stack Overflow
2012年7月19日 · Iam trying to refresh the materialized view by using: DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('v_materialized_foo_tbl') But it's throwing invalid sql statement. Then I have created a stored procedure like this: CR...
sql - How to call Stored Procedure in Views? - Stack Overflow
2019年1月23日 · You can't execute stored procedure within views or functions. Stored Procedure are not intended for that use. You'll have to write a proper view or a proper function, with all the code to retrieve the data you need.
SQL Server / Create view from stored procedure - Stack Overflow
2014年3月28日 · I am trying to create a view out of a stored procedure and am perplexed to see two opposing results from a very similar approach. Example 1 CREATE PROCEDURE cv AS GO DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX) SE...
Is it possible to create a view in other database with EXEC?
2019年1月10日 · But the EXEC statement obviously not works, since the View Statement must be the first one of a batch. But separating the use command to another EXEC statement doesn't work either (I found out that both EXEC statements are completely separate from another).