EXEED International
On EXEED website, you can find price, configurations, parameters and other information of latest EXEED models including TX and TXL. The website illustrates EXEED culture, provides online query service and test-drive appointment service for TX and TXL models. For more information, please log onto EXEED website.
致力于以超越精神为引领 ,为全球新中产家庭带来现代豪华、全域智能、极致驾乘的划时代产品,成为全球热爱的科技新豪华品牌。
Exeed LX - Wikipedia
The Exeed LX is a subcompact luxury crossover SUV produced by Chery under the Exeed premium brand.
如何评价星途(Exeed)这个全新品牌以及首款量产 SUV 车型 …
在这一块星途(Exeed)则是决定从消费者本身出发,在符合消费升级趋势的大环境下,带给当前汽车市场一个别具一格的产品。 而这也正好引出即将在未来不久与我们见面的旗下首款产品,星途TX。
【文章】试驾EXEED星途TXL 并不只是简单的品牌提升,本质也有 …
作为奇瑞旗下的高端品牌,EXEED星途TXL上搭载的是奇瑞全新的1.6升涡轮增压发动机,这台发动机拥有着145千瓦的最大功率和290牛米的峰值扭矩,与它配合的是来自格特拉克的7速双离合变速器。 在热效率方面,它高于37.1%的热效率在中国品牌发动机中有着明显的优势。 这台发动机融合了iHEC (智效)燃烧系统、快速升温的热管理系统、快速响应的增压技术、降摩擦技术、轻量化技术等五大先进科技,为其卓越的性能奠定了坚实基础。 在燃烧系统层面,这台1.6升涡轮增压 …
EXEED星途旗下第二款SUV - 懂车帝
2024年9月10日 · 9月5日,中国汽车新高端品牌exeed星途旗下最新紧凑级suv车型——lx于成都车展全球首发暨预售启动。此次首发的exeed星途lx共有四款车型,预售价格分别为星享版12.79万元、星耀版13.39万元、星睿版14.29万元、星尊版15.59万元。
Model TXL – EXEED Qatar
The EXEED trunk is thoughtfully designed with two layers, offering a larger overall space compared to its counterparts.
Exeed TXL Cars in Dubai, Abu Dhabi - UAE
Exeed TXL cars, available in 3 versions: Compact, Luxury & Flagship. Offers 1.6-Cc engine and 360 degree round view camera feature. Find Exeed cars showroom's in UAE (Dubai & Abu Dhabi).
Model LX – EXEED Qatar
Enables the vehicle to cruise according to a preset speed for improved driving comfort when there is no vehicle ahead. ©2024, SILVER LAKE MOTORS, DOHA, QATAR.
Exeed Cars in Dubai, Abu Dhabi | Premium & Luxury Cars in UAE
Explore Exeed Car Models such as VX, TXL, LX and RX. Premium car models with groundbreaking technologies. Visit our Exeed showrooms in UAE (Dubai & Abu Dhabi) today!