基因序列中的一些名词区别(CDS、Exon、Intron、UTR、ORF、 …
6. UTR (Untranslated Regions)即非翻译区,是信使RNA(mRNA)分子两端的非编码片段。 5'-UTR从mRNA起点的甲基化鸟嘌呤核苷酸帽延伸至AUG起始密码子,3'-UTR从编码区末端的终止密码子延伸至多聚A尾巴(Poly-A)的前端。
能否简单易懂的介绍外显子(exon),内含 …
断裂基因/中断基因 是指在DNA序列中,一系列可被表达成RNA或蛋白质的DNA片段(也就是外显子exon)被一系列不能转录成RNA或翻译成蛋白质的DNA片段(也就是intron)给分割开来。
TP53 exon-6 truncating mutations produce separation of …
TP53 truncating mutations are common in human tumors and are thought to give rise to p53-null alleles. Here, we show that TP53 exon-6 truncating mutations occur at higher than expected frequencies and produce proteins that lack canonical p53 tumor suppressor activities but promote cancer cell proliferation, survival, and metastasis.
科学网—彻底搞清楚promoter, exon, intron, and UTR - 郑俊娟的 …
• promoter 自然不属于 intron 和 Exon 的任何一个,属于 noncodingsequence 。 • noncoding RNA 是现在研究的热点之一。 我们常见的 MiRNA,SiRNA ,antisense RNA tech, 这些都是属于 ncRNA 的范围。
The Evolution of TP53 Mutations: From Loss-of-Function to …
Exon- 6/exon-7 truncating mutations are indicated in purple. Recent studies from our laboratory have demonstrated that several TP53 truncating mutations occur at the exon-6/exon- 7 boundary. These splicing mutations, deletions, and nonsense mutations produce mutants that induce cell proliferation and the acquisition of metastatic features in ...
U2AF2 binds IL7R exon 6 ectopically and represses its inclusion
2020年11月2日 · Here, we show that evolutionary conservation of the exonic PPT correlates well with the degree of AS of exon 6 in two nonhuman primate species and that U2AF2 binding to this PPT recruits U2 snRNP components to the exon.
Exon 6 of human JAG1 encodes a conserved structural unit
2009年7月8日 · We show that this single, evolutionary conserved exon defines an autonomous structural unit that, despite the minimal structural context, closely matches the structure of the same region in the entire receptor binding module. In eukaryotic genomes, exon and domain boundaries usually coincide.
Runx1 exon 6–related alternative splicing isoforms differentially ...
Alternative splicing of Runx1 involving exon 6 affects the pool size of hematopoietic stem cells. RUNX1 is an important transcription factor for hematopoiesis. There are multiple alternatively spliced isoforms of RUNX1. The best known isoforms are RUNX1a from use of exon 7A and RUNX1b and c from use of exon 7B.
Role of CD44 variant exon 6 in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
2004年5月20日 · Increased levels of exons v6, v9 and v10 are associated with poor prognosis in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and myeloma, and exon v6 with poor prognosis in acute myeloid leukaemia. 3 Most recently,...
Runx1 exon 6-related alternative splicing isoforms differentially ...
2014年6月12日 · Together, our results show that Runx1 isoforms involving exon 6 support high self-renewal capacity in vitro, and their loss results in reduction of the HSC pool in vivo, which underscore the importance of fine-tuning RNA splicing in hematopoiesis.