Eyesi Surgical - haag-streit.com
Eyesi Surgical is a high-end virtual reality simulator for intraocular surgery training. The Eyesi platform can be equipped with interfaces for cataract and vitreoretinal surgery. Training units range from basic skills training through to surgical procedures and complications management.
Training simulators
More than 450 schools for ophthalmology, optometry, and medical education use simulators from Haag-Streit Simulation in their training programs. More than 1000 Eyesi simulators are in use on all continents and even in the air—on board the Orbis “Flying Eye Hospital”.
Eyesi Surgical software release 4.0 - haag-streit.com
Eyesi Surgical Software 4.0 combines unparalleled realism with new training scenarios, supporting continuous improvement in cataract surgery for ophthalmic surgeons of all levels. Through an extended range of high-fidelity phacoemulsification simulations, surgeons can prepare for increasingly challenging surgical situations.
随着VR技术在医学及教育领域突飞猛进的发展[15-16],如何将其合理应用于白内障手术教学值得关注。 国外有研究证实VR模拟器 (如EYESi)训练可有效提高手术安全性[17-18];国内目前仅配备21台VR模拟器[19],Dry-lab尚未广泛应用于教学。
培训模拟器 - Eyesi - Haag-Streit Diagnostics - 用于眼科护理 / 手 …
Eyesi Surgical 为手术步骤培训提供了一个身临其境的环境。 通过模拟器的显微镜,学员可以看到立体高分辨率的虚拟手术区域,同时使用栩栩如生的手术器械进行操作。
Effectiveness of the Eyesi Surgical Simulator for ophthalmology ...
2024年6月1日 · The Eyesi Surgical Simulator (VRmagic, Mannheim, Germany) is the most commonly used ophthalmic virtual reality surgical simulator. While studies have demonstrated improved trainee skill acquisition with simulation-based training tools, a systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating Eyesi specifically has yet to be conducted.
培训模拟器 - Eyesi - Haag-Streit Surgical - 用于眼科护理 / 工作站 …
Eyesi 裂隙灯是专为眼科医生和验光师设计的高端诊断培训系统。 其虚拟现实技术已集成到 Haag-Streit BQ 900 裂隙灯模型的原始硬件中。 学员可以使用生物显微镜、眼底镜或眼底镜检查虚拟病人。 Eyesi 裂隙灯模拟真实裂隙灯的所有功能。
培训模拟器 - Eyesi - Haag-Streit Surgical - 检眼镜检查 / 工作站 /
Eyesi 间接眼底镜是一款先进的增强现实模拟器,用于间接双眼眼底镜检查培训。 Eyesi Indirect 拥有全面的临床相关病理数据库,极大地扩展了当今教育项目中的诊断培训范围。
Eyesi Surgical - Haag-Streit
Eyesi Surgical is a high-end virtual reality simulator for intraocular surgery training. The Eyesi platform can be equipped with interfaces for cataract and vitreoretinal surgery. Training units range from basic skills training through to surgical procedures and complications management.
Training simulator - Eyesi - Haag-Streit Surgical - surgery ...
The Eyesi platform can be equipped with interfaces for cataract and vitreoretinal surgery. Training units range from basic skills training through to surgical procedures and complications management. Validated training concepts support residencies …
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