Novex™ Zymogram Plus (Gelatin) Protein Gels, 10%, 1.0 mm
Novex 10% Zymogram Plus (Gelatin) gels are useful for the detection and characterization of proteases that use gelatin as a substrate. The proteases are run under denaturing conditions and visualized as clear bands against a dark background using a simple renaturing, developing, and staining protocol. Have Questions?
Zymogram Gels | Thermo Fisher Scientific - IN
Novex Zymogram Gels are excellent tools for detecting and characterizing proteases that utilize gelatin as a substrate. Novex Zymogram Gels can be used to analyze a variety of enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases, lipases, and other proteases. Novex Zymogram Gels are based on tris-glycine gel chemistry containing gelatin as the substrate.
Instructions are provided below for electrophoresis of Novex® Zymogram Gels using the XCell SureLock® Mini-Cell. For details, refer to the Novex® Technical Guide available at www.lifetechnologies.com/manuals or contact Technical Support. Do not heat or reduce samples for Zymogram gels. water to prepare 1X Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer.
Protein Gels for Electrophoresis & Western Blot - Bio-Rad
Find the right Bio-Rad protein gel for your application. Choose SDS-PAGE and Native PAGE Gels, convert to TGX™ Precast Gels, or choose specialized gel chemistries.
Protein Gels | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Exceptional protein gel electrophoresis is the cornerstone of a successful western blotting experiment. Invitrogen precast protein gels are offered in four different chemistries, allowing you to tailor the separation to your target protein's molecular weight.
ezGEL · Autologous Biostimulating Serum
EZGEL is a 100% autologous and natural gel material, obtained through centrifugation of a whole blood sample to isolate beneficial cells, then subjected to a cooling and heating process, without any chemical addition nor modification. By heating up Plasma, particularly HSA, we're modifying its rheological properties.
Gel Electrophoresis | Bio-Rad
Bio-Rad, a leader in gel electrophoresis, manufactures a wide range of systems for the separation and analysis of proteins and nucleic acids. In addition to electrophoresis gels and chambers, we offer a full line of reagents and instruments for blotting, processing, imaging, and data analysis.
E-Gel核酸电泳仪系统-赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
E-Gel 预制琼脂糖凝胶电泳系统包括电泳设备、用于图像捕获的相机、预制琼脂糖凝胶、Ladder 和上样缓冲液,共同作用以简化核酸电泳实验流程。 电泳过程无需缓冲液即可进行,节省了实验时间,减少了繁琐的操作。 与常规电泳方法相比,使用E-Gel 预制琼脂糖凝胶电泳系统可实现更快的电泳设置、运行和分析。 以下两种E-Gel核酸电泳系统均具备: E-Gel Power Snap Plus 核酸电泳和凝胶成像系统为高通量核酸电泳分析而设计,同时兼容低通量核酸电泳分析。 E-Gel Power …
Electrophoresis Gel Selection - AAT Bioquest
Gel electrophoresis is a technique that uses electrical current to separate DNA, RNA or other proteins based on their size, shape, and charge. Gel construction is simple, quick, and relatively inexpensive and finished gels can have the consistency of
Gel Imaging Systems | Bio-Rad
Browse gel imaging systems for 1D and 2D gels and blots. Detect and quantitate multiplex colorimetric, chemiluminescent, fluorescent, and radioisotopic signals.