General Dynamics F-16XL - Wikipedia
The General Dynamics F-16XL is a derivative of the F-16 Fighting Falcon with a cranked-arrow delta wing. It entered the United States Air Force 's (USAF) Enhanced Tactical Fighter (ETF) competition in 1981 but lost to the F-15E Strike Eagle.
2014年10月28日 · The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 phase I tests began following its arrival at Dryden on July 15, 1982. The initial flights checked out the airplane’s stability and control systems.These included a triplex digital flight control computer system, and the two triangular “chin” canards mounted under the aircraft’s ...
F-16A Advanced Fighter Technology Integration - NASA
2023年11月1日 · The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 in its final configuration, flying in the vicinity of Edwards Air Force Base,...
Elegance in Flight: A comprehensive History of the F-16XL ... - NASA
2015年6月19日 · A comprehensive case study covering all aspects of the F-16XL saga from its early conceptual design—including wind tunnel and ground testing, computer simulations, and program advocacy—through construction of the two prototypes and their use in both the Air Force flight demonstration effort and NASA aeronautical research.
The AFTI/F-16 is a modified full-scale development ~~F-16A aircraft. Modifications included incorporation of an asynchronous operation, triplex digital flight control sys tem, which provided multiple in-flight-selectableflight contrJl laws, including six-degree-of-freedomdecoupled air craft motions. Twin canards were mounted from actuators in
NASA Dryden AFTI/F-16 Photo Collection
The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 was a joint NASA-Air Force-Navy program to test possible future aircraft systems on a heavily modified F-16A. The AFTI F-16 phase I tests began following its arrival at Dryden on July 15, 1982.
NASA Dryden F-16XL Ship #1 Photo Collection
Dryden's F-16XL-1 aircraft (tail number 849) testbed aircraft supported several flight research projects during the 1990s. The XL-1 aircraft was upgraded with a new Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) in 1997.
The F-16XL ship 1 aircraft was flown with a digital flight control system (DFLCS) for the first time in December 1997. The F-16XL has its origins in the early 1980s when the General Dynamics Corporation (Ft. Worth, Texas) (now Lockheed Martin …
F-16AFTI index: AFTI/F-16 Photo Gallery Contact Sheet
The Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) F-16 was a joint NASA-Air Force-Navy program to test possible future aircraft systems on a heavily modified F-16A. The AFTI F-16 phase I tests began following its arrival at Dryden on July 15, 1982.
AFTI/F-16 flight test results and lessons - NASA Technical Reports ...
The advanced fighter technology integration (AFTI) F-16 aircraft is a highly complex digital flight control system integrated with advanced avionics and cockpit. The use of dissimilar backup modes if the primary system fails requires the designer to …
F-16 AFTI: Pioneering the Future of Fighter Aircraft
2025年3月6日 · The F-16 Advanced Fighter Technology Integration (AFTI) program was a groundbreaking project jointly developed by the United States Air Force (USAF), the United States Navy (USN), and NASA. The program aimed to explore and validate cutting-edge aerodynamic, avionics, and flight control technologies by modifying an existing F-16 fighter jet.
The ultimate F-16, F-35 and F-22 reference - F-16.net
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has a history of testing exotic aircraft. The F-16s versatility and adaptability made it an ideal platform for some of NASA's test programs. Consequently, NASA operates some of the most exotic F-16s around, including both F-16XL aircraft and the AFTI/F-16 technology demonstrator.
F-16XL Ship No. 1 - NASA
2023年11月6日 · NASA's single-seat F-16XL presents a unique look to an observer from above as it flies over the snow-covered southern Sierra... The F-16XL #1 during its functional flight check of the Digital Flight Control System (DFCS) on December 16, 1997.
軍武圖輯》F-16首飛50周年 美空軍、NASA接力開箱特仕、放大版 …
2024年1月28日 · 〔記者陳治程/綜合報導〕這個月是全球最暢銷戰機F-16「戰隼」(Fighting Falcon)首飛的50周年紀念,作為全球超過25國空軍採購的多用途全天候戰機,「戰隼」原廠洛克希德.馬丁(Lockheed Martin)與美國空軍自然不會忘了這個歷史性的時刻。
F-16战斗机A/B、C/D、E/F/I、V型号之间的区别 - 知乎
经过作战能力升级(ocu)的f-16命名为f-16 block 15-ocu,换装了更可靠的普惠f100-pw-220发动机,加装了alq-131电子对抗吊舱,可以发射aim-120中距空空雷达制导导弹和agm-65小牛空地导弹。
F-16 Is Getting Massive Anti-Ship Missile Upgrade - twz.com
5 天之前 · The U.S. Navy is set to help integrate the AGM-158C Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) onto the F-16 Viper fighter, giving those jets a huge enhancement in anti-ship capability.This comes amid a larger U.S. push to expand the total number of platforms that can launch the stealthy LRASMs with a particular eye on helping to prepare for a potential major conflict in the Pacific.
US F-16s to Get Stealthy Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile Upgrade
2 天之前 · The US Air Force’s (USAF) F-16 fighter aircraft are set to receive expanded combat capabilities with the future integration of long-range anti-ship missiles (LRASM). In a presolicitation notice, the US Naval Air Systems Command announced plans to award Lockheed Martin a deal to integrate the AGM-158 C-1 LRASM onto the USAF’s Fighting Falcons.
Long Range Anti-Ship Missile to be integrated on F-16
6 天之前 · A Long Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) integrated on F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. NAVAIR photo. In a presolicitation released today by Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), it was announced that the AGM-158 C-1 LRASM (Long Range Anti-Ship Missile) will be integrated on the F-16. LRASM is the anti-ship derivative of the AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), and is currently integrated ...
NAVAIR contracts Lockheed Martin to integrate AGM-158C …
2 天之前 · The F-16 is the latest in a series of aircraft to be integrated with LRASM. The missile is operationally employed by the navy's F/A-18E/F and USAF's B-1B. Integration testing is ongoing aboard the ...
Supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of an advanced F-16 …
1993年7月1日 · A supersonic wind tunnel investigation was conducted in the NASA Langley Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel on an advanced derivative configuration of the United States Air Force F-16 fighter. Longitudinal and lateral directional force and moment data were obtained at Mach numbers of 1.60 to 2.16 to evaluate basic performance parameters and control ...