Zulfiquar-class frigate - Wikipedia
PNS Zulfiquar anchored in Port Klang in Malaysia in 2009. The Zulfiqar-class frigate (Urdu: ذوالفقار, lit. ' Sword '), also known as F-22P or in English: Sword class, [7] is a class of multi-mission guided missile frigates, in service with the Pakistan Navy. [8] . The class is based on an updated model of the Chinese design, the Type 053H3. [9] .
F-22P型护卫舰 - 百度百科
F-22P型护卫舰(英文:Type F-22P Frigate),是巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国向中国沪东中华造船(集团)有限公司订购的三千吨级多用途护卫舰。 代号中F-22代表护卫舰(Frigate)22型,P代表巴基斯坦(Pakistan)。
佐勒菲卡尔级巡防舰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
佐勒菲卡尔级巡防舰(乌尔都语: ذوالفقار ,直譯:刀剑),也叫f22p型巡防舰, [5] 是一型导弹护卫舰,在巴基斯坦海军服役。 [6] 基于中国海军的053h3型护卫舰建造。[7] 护卫舰是在中国的沪东中华造船和巴基斯坦卡拉奇造船厂共同设计和建造的。[8]:108–109
PNS Zulfiquar (F251) - Wikipedia
PNS Zulfiquar (FFG-251) is the lead ship of the F-22P Zulfiquar-class guided missile frigates since 2009. [5] She was designed and constructed by Chinese firm, Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding in Shanghai, for the Pakistan Navy. The vessel's design is primarily influenced from the Type 053H3 frigate. [6]
Zulfiquar-class frigate | Military Wiki | Fandom
The F-22P Zulfiquar is a guided missile frigate (FFG) with the introduction and the installation of the armament comprises eight C-802 "Eagle strike", the Chinese manufactured subsonic surface-to-surface missiles, carried in two launchers with four cells each that are fitted between the foremast and the funnel. [11]
Sword / F-22P Class Frigates - Naval Technology
2014年8月24日 · The F-22P or Zulfiquar (English: Sword) class frigate is a 2,500t multi-mission, conventionally powered frigate built for the Pakistan Navy. Design and construction of the F-22P started after a $750m deal was signed in 2005 between Pakistan’s Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) and China Shipbuilding Trading Co (CSTC).
Zulfiquar-class frigate (F22P) | Pakistan Defence Forum
2023年12月12日 · The Zulfiquar-class frigate (Urdu: ذوالفقار, lit. ' Sword '), also known as F-22P or in English: Sword class, is a class of multi-mission guided missile frigates, in service with the Pakistan Navy. The class is based on an updated model of the Chinese design, the Type 053H3.
佐勒菲卡尔号护卫舰 - 百度百科
佐勒菲卡尔号护卫舰(英文:Zulfiquar Frigate,弦号:251),是中国F-22P型(剑级) 导弹护卫舰 ,是为出口 巴基斯坦 而在 053H3型护卫舰 基础上所研制,由中国上海沪东中华造船集团建造,2009年7月交付 巴基斯坦 海军 [1-2] [4] 。
F-22P型護衛艦(F22P型護衛艦):發展沿革,研製背景,建造歷程,技術 …
F-22P型護衛艦(英文:Type F-22P Frigate),是巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國向中國滬東中華造船(集團)有限公司訂購的三千噸級多用途護衛艦。代號中F-22代表護衛艦(Frigate)...
承上启下的053PLUS——巴基斯坦F-22P型导弹护卫舰 - 知乎
2024年11月15日 · 巴基斯坦海军f-22p型导弹护卫舰,在阿拉伯语里各舰的命名都有刀剑的意思,所以又称刀剑级导弹护卫舰,而北约则以其首舰佐勒菲卡尔号命名为佐勒菲卡尔级导弹护卫舰