Republic F-84 Thunderjet - Wikipedia
The Republic F-84 Thunderjet is an American turbojet fighter-bomber aircraft. Originating as a 1944 United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) proposal for a "day fighter", the F-84 first flew in 1946.
F-84战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
韩战中f-84总共执行了 86,408次任务,共投掷了50,427公吨炸弹和5,560公吨的凝固汽油弹,并发射了22,154枚火箭弹。美国空军声称f-84摧毁了所有地面目标的 60%。著名的f-84行动包括1952年对穗湖大坝的攻击。战争期间,f-84成为美国空军第一架使用空中加油的战斗机。
F-84戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
韓戰中f-84總共執行了 86,408次任務,共投擲了50,427公噸炸彈和5,560公噸的凝固汽油彈,並發射了22,154枚火箭彈。美國空軍聲稱f-84摧毀了所有地面目標的 60%。著名的f-84行動包括1952年對穗湖大壩的攻擊。戰爭期間,f-84成為美國空軍第一架使用空中加油的戰鬥機。
F-84戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
美國空軍於1949年投入800萬美元對所有F-84B和F-84C進行100多項升級,包含對機翼進行加固,使其達到與F-84D類似的標準。 儘管進行了改進,F-84B和F-84C仍於1952退役. 第一架徹底解決問題的型號是1950年投入使用的 F-84E。 機翼後部延伸76毫米,以擴大駕駛艙和航電設備艙,配備AN/APG-30測距雷達的A-1B瞄準鏡,並提供一對額外的870公升的油箱安裝在翼下掛架上。 後者將作戰半徑從850英里(1,370公里)增加到超過1,000英哩(1,600公里)。 最後一款平直翼F …
F-84战斗机 - 百度百科
F-84战斗机(英文:Republic F-84 Fighter,绰号:Thunderjet,译文:雷电喷气),是第二次世界大战后美国共和飞机公司为美国空军研制生产的第一种战斗机。该机是美国第一种能运载战术核武器的喷气式战斗机。
The Republic F-84 Thunderjet Was the ‘Champ of the Fighter …
2023年3月24日 · Republic F-84C Thunderjet with the 33rd Fighter Wing. (Photo Credit: United States Air Force / Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain) On September 11, 1944, the US Army Air Forces set requirements for a “day fighter.” It would need a top speed of 600 MPH, a combat radius of 850 miles, and be armed with either eight 12.7 mm or six 15.2 mm cannons.
Republic F-84C - Pima Air & Space
The F-84 is Republic’s entry into America’s first generation of jet fighters. It was designed in 1944 in response to an Army Air Force request for a 600-mile per hour fighter and was seen as the successor to the P-47 Thunderbolt. The first prototype flew in February 1946. The second prototype set an American speed record later that year.
F-84C Thunderjet - marchfield.org
Features of the “C” model are its tri-cycle landing gear, wing tip fuel tanks, 6 x .50 Cal. machine guns, and the Allison J-35 turbojet rated at 4,000lbs. thrust. First flown at Muroc Flight Test Base, the new plane established a new U.S. national speed record of 611 mph in September 1946.
F-84 Thunderjet Design, History, Deployment and Photographs
U.S. Air Force Republic F-84 Thunderjet fighter, history, design, photographs, specifications, production numbers, and surviving aircraft in air museums.
F-84 - GlobalSecurity.org
F-84C "Thunderjet" The major new feature in the F-84C was an engine change from the J-35-A-16 to the A- 13 engine, and a new electrical system. Otherwise, few features distinguished...