Republic F-84 Thunderjet - Wikipedia
The Republic F-84 Thunderjet is an American turbojet fighter-bomber aircraft. Originating as a 1944 United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) proposal for a "day fighter", the F-84 first flew in 1946.
Republic F-84 Thunderjet - AirVectors
F-84s performed attacks with guns, rockets, bombs, and napalm tanks; the type was seen as a stable gun platform, with pilots becoming skilled in accurately dropping munitions, and could soak up hits that would have brought down other types of aircraft.
Republic F-84 Thunderjet/Thunderstreak - Warbird Registry
The F-84 was the first production fighter aircraft to utilize inflight refueling and the first fighter capable of carrying a nuclear weapon, the Mark 7 nuclear bomb. Modified F-84s were used in several unusual projects, including the FICON and Tom-Tom dockings to the B-29 Superfortress and B-36 bomber motherships, and the experimental XF-84H ...
F-84战斗机 - 百度百科
F-84战斗机(英文:Republic F-84 Fighter [1],绰号:Thunderjet,译文:雷电喷气),是 第二次世界大战 后美国共和飞机公司为美国空军研制生产的第一种战斗机。 该机是美国第一种能运载 战术核武器 的喷气式战斗机。 在 朝鲜战争 中,F-84几乎每日使用炸弹、火箭和凝固汽油攻击北朝鲜的铁路,桥梁,供应集中处和行进部队。 F-84战斗机于1946年2月26日首飞,于1947年6月开始批量生产,于1953年停产,大约生产了4450架“平直翼”F-84E(后掠翼型为F-84F)。 该机除美 …
The Republic F-84 Thunderjet Was the ‘Champ of the Fighter …
2023年3月24日 · The F-84 was responsible for the destruction of 60 percent of all air-to-ground targets, as well as eight air-to-air kills against Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15s. According to the Air Force, 305 F-84s were lost during the conflict, 249 of which were combat-related.
F-84戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雷霆噴射機在韓戰期間成為美國空軍的主要攻擊機,出動了86,408架次,摧毀了戰爭中60%的地面目標以及8架蘇聯製造的米格機。 生產的7,524架F-84中有一半以上服務於北約國家,它也是第一架雷鳥表演隊飛行的飛機。 1944年,共和航空的首席設計師亞歷山大·卡特維利開始研究以噴射發動機取代P-47戰鬥機的活塞發動機。 由於P-47機身橫截面較大,最初嘗試重新設計P-47以適應噴氣發動機,但被證明是徒勞的。 後來卡特維利和他的團隊設計了一種新飛機,機身更細長,機 …
Republic F-84 'Thunderjet' - War in the Skies
The F-84 flew a total of 86,408 missions, dropping 55,586 tons (50,427 metric tons) of bombs and 6,129 tons (5,560 metric tons) of napalm. The USAF claimed F-84s were responsible for 60% of all ground targets destroyed in the war. During the war, the F-84 became the first USAF fighter to utilize aerial refueling.
Republic F-84 Thunderjet - The Armory Life
2024年4月20日 · Republic F-84 Thunderjets of the 27th Fighter Escort Group are shown here in flight during the Korean War. The F-84 saw widespread use as an effective ground attack aircraft during the conflict. Image: U.S. Air Force
Republic F-84 Thunderjet - strategic-air-command.com
Republic F-84 Thunderjet, Thunderstreak The F-84 was the USAF's first post-war fighter. It made its initial flight on February 26, 1946, and began rolling off the production lines in June 1947, and by the time production ceased in 1953, approximately 4,450 "straight-wing" F-84s (in contrast to the swept-wing F-84F) had been built.
Republic F-84 Thunderjet - Military Factory
2021年5月24日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the Republic F-84 Thunderjet Single-Seat Jet-Powered Fighter-Bomber / Reconnaissance Aircraft including pictures.