F-Ducts: How do they work? - Racecar Engineering
2012年1月7日 · Racecarcar spoke to a source in F1 to find out exactly how significant these gains could be. ‘If you stall the flap on an F1-wing (in the wind tunnel) then the drag drops enough to calculate that the top-speed of the car could be 3-5kph faster (we did this ten years ago) but the trick is doing it in a way that’s legal (well, not illegal).
近二十年来F1中最令人拍案叫绝的技术创新 —— F-Duct - 知乎
F-Duct的设计初衷就是在赛道直路上允许赛车主动受控的去减少对下压力的榨取,从而达到降低空气阻力的目的。 多数人在理解赛车尾翼的工作原理时都会把重点放在尾翼的正面,而事实上,尾翼的背面对于制造下压力而言与正面同样重要。
f-duct - 百度百科
f10 f-duct BMW Sauber和McLaren的尾翼在主翼上使用了较窄的15cm开口,但其内部通道向后宽度逐渐增大,直至与尾翼整体宽度相同(仍在主翼之内)。 这道开槽能够在90°内向后方输送气流,方向基本与正常流过翼片的气流平行。
Banned: Why McLaren's F-duct was outlawed - Motorsport.com
2020年4月20日 · The F-duct, as it was swiftly dubbed owing to the letter in the Vodafone sponsor logo next to the chassis inlet, was McLaren's novel and absurdly complex way of reducing drag.
F-Duct | Formula 1 Wiki | Fandom
F-Duct is system allows the driver to open or close the air duct from the cab to the rear wing. The driver determines on his knee whether or not to give more air to the rear wing. This causes the rear wing to settle on straight lines, which improves the car's direct speed.
F-Duct uncovered: The banned McLaren innovation that gave
2023年12月17日 · When unveiling their car for the 2010 season, all eyes were on McLaren, despite their efforts to keep it low-key. This was due to the now-famous F-Duct, a project that would be remembered as one...
F-Duct or Rear Blown Wing - Formula 1 Dictionary
F-Duct or Rear Blown Wing . Days before the first Grand Prix of the 2010 season, McLaren's MP4/25 grew an air inlet on top of the chassis. It turned out to be a feeder for its F-Duct system. The actual name for McLaren's so called 'F-Duct' is the 'RW80'.
什麼是F-duct系統 - Mobile01
2010年5月13日 · F-1 容許車隊把氣流導入車內駕駛艙協助車手散熱。 但是 F-Duct 的設計是在直線的時候車手可以用膝蓋之類的把出風口頂住﹐氣流就會順著秘密管路流到車尾附近的出口。
可调尾翼 - 百度百科
可调尾翼是世界一级方程式(F1)在2011赛季引入的一项旨在降低阻力提高尾速以增加超车可能的位于赛车尾翼的一项技术部件。 2010年F1最重要的技术设计当属迈凯伦车队在MP4-25上引入的F-duct。 其实它的学名应该为吹气尾翼或许失速尾翼。 之所以叫F-duct是由于他气流的引入点是开启在其车体上资助商Vodafone标志的F字母旁。 其真正的作用是向尾翼下表面吹气引发失速,导致尾翼下表面气流剥离而大大降低所产生的下压力。 F1赛车需要下压力,但是下压力同时带来摩 …
BGM:失落的宇宙op 先知的赛车小课堂第四期啦!今天我们为大家介绍一个天才的设计:失速尾翼F-duct,欢迎大家收看以及一键三连哟!
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