F.I.R.E.运动 - 百度百科
F.I.R.E.运动起源于美国,F.I.R.E.是“Financial Independence and Retiring Early”的缩写,意为“财务独立,提前退休”。 这项运动的基本逻辑是:无论赚多少钱,都要过极简的生活;当存款达到一年开支的25倍时,就可以依靠4%的理财收益实现提前退休。
What Is the FIRE Movement? - Ramsey - Ramsey Solutions
4 天之前 · In a nutshell, the goal of the FIRE movement (sometimes written as fi/re) is to save and invest aggressively—somewhere between 50–75% of your income—so you can retire sometime in your 30s or 40s. You need to save at least half of …
FIRE Early Retirement Calculator: Find Your FIRE Age & Number
2023年7月12日 · Use our financial independence calculator to get closer to an early retirement. Our FIRE calculator can give you a rough idea of two things: Your FIRE number: How much money you need to retire early based upon your current and projected lifestyle. Your FIRE age: When you can retire early based upon your FIRE number and saving rate.
Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE): How It Works - Investopedia
2024年10月25日 · Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) is a financial movement defined by frugality, extreme savings, and investment. FIRE proponents may start by calculating...
FIRE movement - Wikipedia
The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement is a lifestyle/investment plan with the goal of gaining financial independence and retiring early through savings.
财务自由太遥远,FIRE运动了解一下? - 知乎专栏
FIRE 是Financial Independence, Retire Early 的首字母缩写。 FIRE运动 是一场以“经济独立”和“提前退休”为目标的生活方式运动。 FIRE 的理念诞生于薇姬·罗宾(Vicki Robin)和乔·多明戈斯(Joe Dominguez)在1992年合著的一本畅销书: 《你要钱还是要生活》 (Your Money or Your Life),台湾版本译名《富足人生》。 这本书最核心的观点是: 钱是生命的能量(money is life energy),大部分人都在通过付出自己的时间来赚取金钱,同时又在用金钱来换得更好的生命 …
新兴的FIRE运动、FIRE一族到底是个什么样? - 知乎专栏
FIRE,这四个字母是FIRE人群的目标、口号和宗旨的缩写:“ Financial Independence , Retiring Early”,直译的意思是“ 财务独立,提早退休。 怎么实现呢? 简单来说就是:通过降低物欲,过极简生活,把收入的大半部分存起来,迅速攒够一年生活费的25倍,然后退休,每年靠4%的理财收益生活。 很多FIRE人群在35岁之前就和社畜生活说再见,退休,过上闲适自由的生活。 比如小明每个月花6000元,一年7.2万,就要攒够180万。 180万存款,如果获得稳健的4%的理财收 …
美国轰轰烈烈的FIRE运动(财务自由、提早退休)是否只是一场美 …
F.I.R.E. 是英文Financial Independence, Retire Early的缩写。 其意思是通过尽量消减生活开支,主动储蓄,积极投资,从而有计划地达到财务自由的状态,提前过上退休的生活。
FIRE Explained | Financial Independence, Retire Early - Playing With FIRE
FIRE is an acronym which stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. There’s a growing movement of people who are practicing FIRE principles and retiring decades earlier than expected as a result.
F.I.R.E. Movement: What It Is & How It Works - Seeking Alpha
2024年10月24日 · F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence Retire Early) is a movement focused on aggressive saving and investing that enables participants to retire earlier than most financial models. Learn more.