Republic F-105 Thunderchief - Wikipedia
The Republic F-105 Thunderchief is an American fighter-bomber that served with the United States Air Force from 1958 to 1984. Capable of Mach 2, it conducted the majority of strike bombing missions during the early years of the Vietnam War.
HERE’S WHY THE F-105 WAS DUBBED THE “THUD” - The Aviation Geek Club
Whether it was the sound of 50,000 pounds of metal uncontrollably impacting the earth, or the light-hearted shortening of the name Howdy Doody’s Indian rival, Chief Thunderthud, the F-105 became known affectionately as the “Thud” by those who flew and maintained it.
Why Pilots Loved the F-105 'Thud' Despite its Vulnerability - HistoryNet
Nov 29, 2019 · A fast mover designed to carry a nuclear weapon, the F-105 Thunderchief became the Vietnam War’s most important conventional fighter-bomber.
F-105 Thunderchief in the Vietnam War - ThoughtCo
Nov 4, 2019 · The Republic F-105 Thunderchief was an American fighter-bomber that earned fame during the Vietnam War. Entering service in 1958, the F-105 underwent a series of mechanical issues that led to the fleet being grounded on multiple occasions.
Republic F-105G Thunderchief - National Museum of the USAF
The F-105, nicknamed the "Thud," evolved from a 1951 project by to replace the F-84F fighter-bomber. The prototype first flew in October 1955, and Republic delivered the first production aircraft to the U.S. Air Force in 1958.
F-105D Thunderchief: One Heavy War Horse - HistoryNet
Jul 28, 2010 · Its bombload and range soon made the F-105 the Air Force’s primary fighter-bomber in Vietnam. Republic’s F-105 Thunderchief was developed as a supersonic close-air-support aircraft with a nuclear weapon delivery capability.
F-105雷公戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-105雷公(Thunderchief),是美國服役於1960年代的超音速攻擊機。 雖然屬於 第二代戰機 但同時有戰機和攻擊機特色,可以說是現代 F-15E 或 F/A-18 等戰轟機的先驅概念。
Republic Aviation’s F-105 Thunderchief By Lt. Col.George A. Larson,A. Larson, USAF (Ret.) One of the earliest Republic Thunderchiefs, this F-105B-1-RE, 54-0102, was one of the first group of four production air-craft delivered to the USAF. (USAF photo from the Paul Minert collection).
Republic F-105D “Thunderchief” - American Airpower Museum
Dec 8, 2021 · The F-105 was one of the primary strike bombers of the Vietnam War; over 20,000 Thunderchief sorties were flown, with 382 aircraft lost (nearly half of the 833 produced) including 62 operational losses. Although less agile than smaller …
Republic F-105D Thunderchief | National Air and Space Museum
Built by Republic Aircraft, the F-105 was designed as a supersonic, single-seat, fighter-bomber able to carry nuclear weapons and heavy bomb loads over great distances at high speeds. It made its first flight on October 12, 1955. The first F-105D (58-1146) flew on 9 June 1959.