Junkers F 13 - Wikipedia
The Junkers F 13 is the world's first all-metal transport aircraft, designed and produced by the German aircraft manufacturer Junkers. Produced shortly after the end of the First World War, it was a cantilever -wing monoplane with enclosed accommodation for four passengers and a two seat open cockpit.
容克斯F13 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2022年12月16日 · 容克斯 F.13 (德语: Junkers F 13)、或称“容克斯 J.13”(Junkers J 13);是由 德国 飞机制造商 容克斯 在 一次大战 结束后数年所开发的飞机。 此为世界历史上第一架全金属打造以及用于航空载运服务的飞机。 [2][3] 除生产地德国外,容克斯F.13飞机曾被 法国 、 意大利 等共30个以上国家采用过。 [4] F.13于1919年2月10日起在 德绍 的容克斯工厂开始打造, [2] 当时期的飞机主要以 双翼机 模样为主,而F.13则采取 单翼机 的造型,此方法可减少双翼机 …
Junkers F13 - The First All-Metal Passenger Aircraft
The Junkers F13 was the world’s first all-metal commercial aircraft in 1919. For you, this special aircraft is now taking off again, with all the materials and workmanship of course further developed to make the aircraft even safer and more stable in value.
Junkers F.13 - 百度百科
JunkersF.13型飞机是世界上第一架硬铝全金属无支架、无张线的单翼张臂式客机。 它是由胡戈·容克斯博士主持设计,并在他自己的飞机制造工厂制造并量产的一款 民用运输机。 第一次世界大战 后, 德国 人 胡戈·容克斯 博士在 德绍 开设了自己的飞机制造工厂,主要从事 民用运输机 的研制和生产工作。 1919年,他设计的世界上第一架硬铝全金属客机JunkersF.13试飞成功,这在国际民航史上占有重要地位,在相当一段时间内影响了许多相关机型的设计思路和制造技术。 …
Junkers F13 - bplaced
2020年11月22日 · Compared to the prior Mercedes or BMW engine, this Junkers powered F13 was able to transport 40% more payload than the Mercedes powered F13 and 25% more payload than the BMW engined F13. The range was reduced by 250km.
Junkers F13 flies again - CNN
2016年2月1日 · The Junkers F13 was the world’s first all-metal transport aircraft. The last commercial F13 was retired in Brazil in 1951. Now the vintage plane is back.
Junkers F13 - The World's First All-Metal Commercial Aircraft.
The Junkers F13. The F13 was developed by Junkers in Germany towards the end of the 1914-18 war and first flew in 1919. It entered service from 1920 and during that decade a total of 322 aircraft of this type were produced. The last recorded German operated commercial flight took place just before the outbreak of World War II in 1939.
Junkers F 13 · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre
2019年5月8日 · The Junkers F 13 was a development of a series of light transports designed by Professor Hugo Junkers, all being all-metal monoplanes with corrugated skinning to provide strength. In 1919 the design of the J 12 was announced, this having a …
Junkers F.13 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The Junkers F.13 (also known as the F 13) was the world's first all-metal transport aircraft, developed in Germany at the end of World War I. It was an advanced cantilever-wing monoplane, with enclosed accommodation for four passengers. Over 300 were sold. It was in production for thirteen years and in commercial service for almost twenty.
Junkers F 13 - 1000aircraftphotos.com
2003年12月17日 · The Junkers F 13 was designed from the beginning with two goals: to be the first all-metal airliner and the first series-produced airliner. The design, with the engineering designation J 13, was made under the leadership of chief engineer Dipl.-Ing. Otto Reuter at the Junkers-Flugzeugwerk A.-G. in Dessau.
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