Best team for F2P : r/Genshin_Impact - Reddit
By F2P I only consider only 4* characters but in case you want to considerate some 5 stars then you can replace the Sucroses with Kazuhas, use Yelan instead of Xingqiu, use Nahida instead of Dendro MC or Collei, use Kokomi instead of Xingqiu in …
F2P - New Player Guide (2023) : r/IdleHeroes - Reddit
Idle Heroes F2P New Player Guide. I want to cover some of the routing and strategy for new game players as briefly and concise as possible without overwhelming you. If you want to play just for fun, build whomever, and play however, that’s great! But these talking points probably won’t really be for you.
The Ultimate F2P Ironman Guide : r/2007scape - Reddit
2015年3月19日 · F2P has no bosses or any content that could be considered to be "fun" after level 50 in any skill. Sounds pretty pointless other then the "challenge" of getting max f2p ironmen, but by the time you max it would be 2025. But anyway its a great guide if …
Free to Play (F2P) Guide : r/RiseofKingdoms - Reddit
2019年3月21日 · Therefore, I suggest that F2P users start with either: Rome for Scipio or Britain for Boudica. In my opinion these two commanders are the best starting epic commanders for F2P users as Scipio is great for mixed army compositions and being a tank in open field and Boudica is great for nuking and killing barbarians.
F2P gem farming advice : r/PetSimulator99 - Reddit
2024年3月5日 · F2P gem farming advice Discussion hello everyone! i’ve finally started to actually grind this game since the happy computer event officially ended. this is my setup. i’ve noticed that even with 80 pets and this loadout, i’m making 100k gems per hour. i make sure to use at least tier 5 potions when grinding and make sure i use toys to last ...
Easiest way to obtain a bond (F2P) & then maintain the bond?
F2p pking is ur only option that isn't gunna take a fuckin year, most kills are sub 100k but I'll run into someone risking gilded or other random risk and got a bond in 1 kill, f2p pking builds aren't hard and pretty fast to make, also easy to learn to get started in pking
The ultimate F2P blueprint (Guide) : r/RiseofKingdoms - Reddit
2020年9月24日 · As a f2p player you have limited gems and will have to make a choices on which commanders from the wheel you are going to focus on. By playing all types of events (of which arc of Osiris is the most important) you can get a significant amount of golden heads to upgrade commanders you get from the wheel.
What are your top F2P friendly gacha games? : r/gachagaming
Personally, Brown Dust 2 is by far the most f2p friendly game, you get free daily pulls, tons of tickets/gems, most characters are usable and lower rarity ones are really good, you can clear the entire story with the lower rarity units with low investment, PVP is not a must-do and the rewards aren't something you'd miss out on and u can really just skip PVP if u want to, the only thing i'd …
A simple guide to money making for the early game F2P Ironman
2018年11月2日 · At this point, you should have over 100k cash, which is already a pretty good amount of money for a F2P ironman. - Head to either Barbarian Villiage or the Dwarf Mines and mine coal. 2 coal + 1 iron = one steel bar. 5 steel bars gives you one steel platebody, which has an average sale price at Horvik's Shop of 1,100 gp. 100 Steel Platebodies ...
ELI5 - forestry in f2p : r/2007scape - Reddit
2023年6月28日 · The reason its maybe sort of f2p is that it may require at least lvl 2 farming - so you need former members to spawn it. You can get the forestry kit for a cool backpack and it collects anima bark from events.