McDonnell F3H Demon - Wikipedia
The McDonnell F3H Demon is a subsonic swept-wing carrier-based jet fighter aircraft designed and produced by the American manufacturer McDonnell Aircraft Corporation. It was the first swept wing jet fighter and the only single-engined carrier-based fighter the company produced.
The Demon that Could Hardly Fly | Naval History Magazine - April …
McDonnell built 140 F3H-2N aircraft; produced in parallel were 80 F3H-2M variants that could carry four AIM-7 Sparrow I radar-guided missiles on wing pylons. These were followed by 239 F3H-2 Demons that were optimized as strike-fighters, capable of carrying up to 6,000 pounds of bombs and air-to-ground rockets.
McDonnell F3H-2N, F3H-2M, F3H-2 (F-3C, MF-3B, F-3B) Demon
The F3H-2 was optimized as a strike fighter and could carry up to 6000 pounds of ordnance (bombs, rockets, or "special stores") on two fuselage and six wing stations. The F3H-2 also differed from the previous versions in having a slightly shorter beaver tail cone.
F3H-2M Demon - NNAM - navalaviationmuseum.org
F3H-2M Demon First Flight: The prototype of the F3H Demon made its maiden flight on August 7, 1951. Power Problems: Like many early jets, problems with the performance of the F3H stemmed from an inadequate engine.
Aircraft: McDonnell F3H-2N (F-3C) Demon - Aero Web
On our WESPAC cruise in 1959, making my rounds on secondary battery security watch; I happened to be on the 05 level, just outside the bridge, when I heard an unfamiliar sound -- the crash signal. An incoming F3H then hit the fantail, burst into flames, and went over the port side just over the forward 5-inch gun tub.
恶魔来袭终归尘土|F3H-2“恶魔”战斗机 「谈模论武」 - 哔哩哔哩
它是一种多用途战斗机,可以在机身两侧和机翼下 6 个挂点挂带 6,000 磅诸如炸弹、火箭或者“特殊外挂(其实就是核武器)”等的作战载荷。f3h-2 在外观上与先前型号的区别在于,它具有较短的獭尾型尾锥。到 1960 年 4 月 8 日,f3h-2 共计生产了 239 架。
McDonnell F3H Demon | Military Wiki | Fandom
The McDonnell F3H Demon was a subsonic swept-wing United States Navy carrier-based jet fighter aircraft. After severe problems with the Westinghouse J40 engine that was ultimately abandoned, the successor to the McDonnell F2H Banshee served starting in 1956 redesigned with the J71 engine.[1...
McDonnell F3H-2N Demon aviation photos on JetPhotos
2024年4月15日 · Aircraft: McDonnell F3H-2N Demon; Serial #: 78; Photo date: 2022-07-07; Uploaded: 2024-04-05
McDonnell F3H (F-3) Demon - en
The F3H swept-wing transsonic jet fighter was underpowered, but served a short period with the USN (until September 1964). Two prototypes were ordered on September 30, 1949. They were to prove that carrier-based fighters could be just as advanced as land-based fighters.
The evolutionary Demon - General Aviation News
2019年7月4日 · The 239 F3H-2s could be configured as strike fighters, with air-to-ground ordnance. It was the F3H-2M that was Sparrow-equipped, capable of carrying four of the supersonic missiles, and the F3H-2N included Sidewinders in a limited all-weather fighter role. The F3H pilot was enclosed in a pressurized cockpit with ample glazing.