McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II - Wikipedia
The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II[N 1] is an American tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber that was developed by …
F-4幽靈II戰鬥機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2025年3月9日 · F-4幽靈II (McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II) [1][2] 是一種 第三代 串列雙座雙發全天候遠程 超音速 攔截機/戰鬥轟炸機,最初是由 美國 麥克唐納飛行器公司 為 美國海 …
F-4战斗机(英文:F-4 fighter,代号:Phantom Ⅱ,译文:鬼怪/鬼怪Ⅱ,曾用编号:F4H,通称: 麦克唐纳·道格拉斯 F-4“鬼怪” [1]),是 美国 一型双座双发全天候远程超音速防空截击机或 …
F-4 | Phantom, McDonnell-Douglas, & Wild Weasel | Britannica
2025年2月15日 · The F-4 Phantom is a two-seat, twin-engine jet fighter-bomber built by the McDonnell Aircraft Corporation (later the McDonnell-Douglas Corporation) for the United …
Everything You Need To Know About The McDonnell Douglas F-4 …
2023年10月31日 · Initially developed in the 1950s by McDonnell Aircraft for the United States Navy, the F-4 Phantom II Fighter Jet became one of the premier fighter jets for the American …
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II - Aviation History
The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II was one of the largest postwar programs and was the first US Navy fighter to be adopted by the USAF. It could carry a bomb-load greater than the …
McDonnell F-4C (F-110A) Phantom II | The Museum of Flight
It incorporated a second crew station for a dedicated radar intercept officer, two General Electric J79 afterburning turbojets, and an all-missile armament in the form of four radar-guided …
F-4 Phantom Fighter Bomber - Airforce Technology
The F-4 Phantom (previously called the F-4 Phantom II) is a fighter bomber developed by McDonnell Douglas. The supersonic aircraft can travel at double the speed of sound (Mach …
McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II Technical data - Ultimate Specs
Unique in that it was used by US Air Force, US Navy and US Marine. British version used Rolls Royce Spey engines (F-4K, F-4N). Some Phantom versions were equipped with a Raytheon …
The McDonnell F-4 Phantom - War History
2020年7月26日 · The F-4 Phantom II (simply “F-4 Phantom” after 1990) is a two-place (tandem), supersonic, long-range, all-weather fighter-bomber built by (originally McDonnell Aircraft …