The F-4E Weapon Systems Officer - FlyAndWire
F-4E Cockpits Tour: this video explores the cockpits of the F-4E Phantom II, with more emphasis on WSO’s office; Guns and Slats: F-4E Peculiarities: the F-4E was the first Phantom to include new features, such as the internal M61A1 Vulcan 20mm rotary cannon, and leading-edge slats. This discussion discusses the details of these features and ...
Weapon systems officer - Wikipedia
In the Royal Air Force, a WSO is a commissioned officer that operates aircraft mission systems formerly on the Tornado GR4, Sentinel R1 and Boeing E-3 Sentry, however now on the Reaper MQ-9A drone, the RC-135W Rivet Joint, Shadow R1, …
F-4 Phantom II - Memories of Men Who Flew the F-4 in Combat in …
On 27 June 1972, flying as a USAF F-4 Phantom WSO and dropping chaff, my plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile (SAM) over Hanoi, North Vietnam. I was immediately captured and imprisoned in the infamous “Hanoi Hilton,” spending my first month of captivity in solitary confinement in a section of the prison known as “Heartbreak ...
F-4E Boresight Mode, AIM-7 and Speedgates – FlyAndWire
2024年5月27日 · Boresight mode is initiated by the WSO using the Radar Mode knob. Once selected, the radar enters a status similar to holding half-action. The antenna is moved to a fixed position along the boresight line at 0° azimuth and -2° …
DCS World - F-4E WSO Radar Guide - YouTube
2024年5月16日 · This video is meant to be the second video in a playlist. References to a previous video can be ignored as the other videos are not yet public.0:00 - Intro0:...
F-4E Manual - Heatblur F-4E Phantom II
Manual of the F-4E Phantom by Heatblur Simulations.
F-4E 中文手册项目 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年1月27日 · 玩家可以作为飞行员和 WSO 驾驶“鬼怪”,与 JESTER-AI(玩家的WSO AI)合作,或与朋友一起进行多人游戏。 我们不仅忠实重现了“鬼怪”的飞行力学模型、系统、航电、雷达、RWR 和武器投放,还尝试通过该模组来创新,为我们未来的模组奠定重要的基础,并一如既往地尝试扩展飞行模拟的边界。 从可以在座舱盖写字等生活质量方面的小改进,到交互式机工长,“鬼怪”还采用了我们新一代基于组件的模拟框架——飞机是由 数千个独立组件连接而成的。 从仪 …
关于 DCS:F-4E “鬼怪” II - 哔哩哔哩
f-4 “鬼怪” ii是一款美国双座双发全天候远程超音速喷气式截击机和战斗轰炸机,最初由麦克唐纳飞机公司为美国海军研制。 F-4 于 1961 年进入海军服役,随后被美国海军陆战队和美国空军采用。
Can a F-4 Phantom II pilot control weapons?
2020年4月12日 · The USAF F-4's did not have controls for the RIO's (now called WSO's), but the Navy/Marine F-4's did. The Navy's flight controls were limited, with no control of flaps, and no afterburner. Gear could only be extended using an emergency bottle. So it wasn't ideal.
RFT 214: F-4 WSO Jim Badger - Ready For Takeoff Podcast
2018年8月19日 · Jim Badger became an Air Force officer after graduating from college, and attended navigator training. After earning his wings, he was assigned to (at the time) Military Air Transport Service (later to become MAC - Military Airlift Command) flying as navigator on the C-124. He flew missions in support of Europe and the expanding war in Vietnam.