Ferrari F40 - Wikipedia
The Ferrari F40 (Type F120) is a mid-engine, rear-wheel drive sports car [12] engineered by Nicola Materazzi with styling by Pininfarina. It was built from 1987 until 1992, with the LM and GTE race car versions continuing production until 1994 and 1996 respectively. [15] .
Ferrari F40 Market - CLASSIC.COM
Introduced in 1987, the Ferrari F40 was a celebration of Ferrari's 40th anniversary, designed by Pininfarina and created as a successor to the 288 GTO. One of the most driver-focused cars of its era, the F40 had no radio, carpet, or inner-door panels and a windshield made of plastic.
Ferrari F40 (1987) - Ferrari.com
The F40’s performance was that of a true supercar: its claimed top speed was 324 km/h. It accelerated from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.1 seconds, covered 0 to 400 m in 11.9 seconds, and reached 0 to 1000 m in 20.9 seconds.
法拉利 F40 (1987) - Ferrari.com 2024
f40 是第一种车身板以复合材料为主的法拉利量产车型,其车身总共只分成11 块构件,这是因为它有较大的单块前部和后部。
不朽的传奇——法拉利 F40 - Ferrari
F40能在4.1秒内加速至100公里/小时,然后达到理论值最高速度201英里/小时(324公里/小时),这是第一款超过这个理论数字的量产车。 按下启动按钮,发动机立即喷发。 怠速运转时,声浪如同赛车般响亮,而它行驶起来时,又会进入梦幻般的境界。 如今,包括法拉利在内的汽车行业正在研究如何为电动动力系统增添灵魂,增加某些机器独有的神奇配方。 F40 就是这样一种,因为这是内燃机最最令人陶醉的时刻。 它以宇宙暴力加速,双涡轮增压器嗖嗖作响,呼啸而过, …
法拉利F40 - 百度百科
法拉利F40搭载了一具90°夹角的3.0升双涡轮V8引擎,拜 双涡轮增压 所赐,这具引擎达到了每升可输出163匹马力的水平,一共拥有478匹峰值马力和424 lb-ft的最大扭力,而在五速手排铝合金液压变速箱的配合下,F40可在3.8秒内完成0-100km/h加速,更可在8秒内完成0-160km/h ...
Ferrari F40 Specs, Performance, Comparisons - Ultimate Specs
Explore the Ferrari F40 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
F40的引擎改良自上一代旗舰——288 GTO的双涡轮增压V8,拓缸后排量被提升至了2936cc,两台来自IHI的大号涡轮为这台引擎增压,最大功率478马力,峰值扭矩577Nm就是F40的答案。
每日超跑系列:1989 法拉利 F40 “Competizione” - 百家号
2025年1月28日 · 一辆F40经多次改装参赛,最终在Zanasi公司修复并重新喷涂,成为罕见具有赛车历史的车型,输出功率高达近1000马力,是法拉利伟大公路GT车型之一。 摘要由作者通过智能技术生成
Ferrari F40 (Type F120) - Dimensions
2024年10月3日 · The Ferrari F40 (Type F120) is a legendary supercar, introduced in 1987 to celebrate Ferrari’s 40th anniversary. Designed with a focus on pure performance, the F40 emphasized lightweight construction and raw power. It featured a twin-turbocharged V8 engine, a first for Ferrari’s road cars.
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