Ferrari 488 GTB (2015) - Ferrari.com
Discover all the specifications of the Ferrari 488 GTB, 2015: dimensions, wheel and tyres, suspension, and performance.
Ferrari 488 - Wikipedia
The 488 GTB is powered by a 3,902 cc (3.9 L; 238.1 cu in) (488 cc per cylinder, thus the name) all- aluminium dry sump unit of the Ferrari F154 V8 engine family. [3]
Used Ferrari 488 GTB for Sale Near Me - Autotrader
Test drive Used Ferrari 488 GTB at home from the top dealers in your area. Search from 97 Used Ferrari 488 GTB cars for sale, including a 2016 Ferrari 488 GTB, a 2017 Ferrari 488 GTB, and a 2018 Ferrari 488 GTB ranging in price from $182,990 to $339,989.
Ferrari 488 GTB (2015) - Ferrari.com
488 GTB符合空气动力学的底盘创意非凡,包括特制曲线的空气动力附件导流板,可以加速空气流动,减少压力。 结果是,汽车的底盘被“吸”到地面,保持阻力不变的同时增加了下压力。
488 GTB for sale near you in USA | Ferrari Approved
The Ferrari 488 Gran Turismo Berlinetta delivers an unparalleled driving experience, with superlative performance suited to every driving style, as well as marking the Ferrari debut of keyless start technology.
Ferrari 2019 488 GTB V8 | 車款介紹 - Yahoo奇摩汽車機車
全新一代的法拉利中置V8跑車488 GTB,續寫40年前Ferrari首款中置V8後驅跑車308 GTB傳奇,開創中置V8篇章。 488 GTB的設計富含在F1一級方程式賽車、2014世界耐力錦標賽以及XX program項目中寶貴經驗,以得天獨厚的賽道王者底蘊,完美呈獻突出動力性能與酣暢淋漓的駕馭 ...
2019 Ferrari 488GTB Review, Pricing, and Specs
With a mid-mounted twin-turbo 3.9-liter V-8, the 488GTB generates a sonorous wail and ferocious acceleration all the way to 8000 rpm, where it makes 661 horsepower. A seven-speed dual …
【图】法拉利488 2015款 488 GTB报价_图片_法拉利_汽车之家
汽车之家法拉利488 2015款 488 GTB车型频道,提供法拉利汽车法拉利4882015款 488 GTB最新报价,图片,参数配置信息及保养信息,最新汽车信息尽在汽车之家
Ferrari 488 GTB Specs, Performance, Comparisons
Explore the Ferrari 488 GTB 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
法拉利488 GTB - 百度百科
法拉利488 GTB是意大利跑车制造商 法拉利 (Ferrari)推出的一款中置后驱跑车,作为 法拉利458 Italia 的继任车型,于2015年3月在 日内瓦车展 首次亮相。 该车搭载一台3.9L双涡轮增压 V8发动机,最大功率493kW(670PS),最大扭矩760Nm,官方宣称极速可达330km/h,0-100km/h加速时间仅需3秒。 488 GTB的独特空气动力学外观设计采用多项专利技术,极大地提升了整车性能,配合强劲动力和优异操控表现,488 GTB为超跑界树立了V8公路跑车的全新标杆。 2015年2 …