Vought F4U Corsair - Wikipedia
The Vought F4U Corsair is an American fighter aircraft that saw service primarily in World War II and the Korean War. Designed and initially manufactured by Chance Vought, the Corsair was soon in great demand; additional production contracts were given to Goodyear, whose Corsairs were designated FG, and Brewster, designated F3A.
F4U战斗机 - 百度百科
F4U战斗机(英文:F4U Fighter,编号:F4U,代号/绰号:Corsair,译文:海盗)是美国海军一型螺旋桨式舰载与陆基战斗机。 F4U战斗机为单座单发平直翼布局,加速性能好,火力强大,爬升快,坚固耐用,是美国第一种速度超过640千米/时的战斗机,也是速度最快的 ...
F4U-1D | War Thunder Wiki
The F4U-1D, introduced since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27, does not have many external differences from the F4U-1A. Despite the more powerful engine, the F4U-1D actually has lower maximum speed in comparison to its predecessor due to additional drags from its modifications.
Vought F4U Corsair (1940) - Naval Encyclopedia
2022年1月10日 · US Navy Fighter Bomber (1940-76), 12,270 built. Probably the most famous fighter ever designed for any Navy, arguably, was the Vought F4U Corsair. Not only for its production, which went further than the Hellcat, and went shy of their land rivals, the P51 Mustang and P47 Thunderbolt, but certainly outlived them all but its active service.
F4U海盗型号辨别(仅二战) - 哔哩哔哩
换上了2100匹马力R-2800-18W的二级增压器发动机,当向汽缸加入水或者酒精混合物时,能增加多350匹马力,螺旋桨下方有进气道,使用四叶片螺旋桨,取消了62加仑的无装甲保护的油箱以用航程换机动,和F4U-1D一样的挂载负重,最大速度提高到了每小时448英里(每 ...
Pilot's handbook for Navy model F4U-1, F4U-1C, F4U-1D, F3A-1, …
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Vought F4U-1D Corsair - Smithsonian Institution
R-2800 radial air-cooled engine with 1,850 horsepower, turned a three-blade Hamilton Standard Hydromatic propeller with solid aluminum blades spanning 13 feet 1 inch; wing bent gull-shaped on both sides of the fuselage. By V-J Day, September 2, 1945, Corsair pilots had amassed an 11:1 kill ratio against enemy aircraft.
“海盗”无敌——F4U“海盗”研发简史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
得益于 帕拉特-惠特尼R-2800 -8发动机的2000马力强大输出,新一代战斗机的速度、爬升率得到了保证,不用死抠燃油重量、装甲板和载弹量,F4U-1在6096米的高度上最大平飞速度达到了671km/h。 有趣的是,堀越二郎在回忆录里对自己在那么苛刻的条件下还能设计出零战很满意,他反复抱怨每增加一点引擎重量就得考虑翼面积、油箱容量、起落架布局和机身强度等一大堆问题。 美国的飞机设计师看了,估计会补一刀:谁让你们发动机那么差! F4U-1座舱内部,飞行员座 …
F4U-1D - 舰娘百科 - 专业性的舰队Collection百科全书 - kcwiki
F4U-1D相对于1A型,加装了-8W的喷水引擎,可以提供额外250马力的动力,最大平飞速度从每小时417英里(671km/h)增加到每小时425英里(684km/h);由于美国海军对战斗轰炸机的需求,-1D型可以挂载两倍于-1A型的火箭弹,以及一个额外的副油箱,不过这些改动增加了 ...
弯翼的地狱天使——F4U海盗型号辨别 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
一架F4U-1将发动机换为2650匹马力的R-4360-4型发动机并在引擎后上方增加了一个进气口,螺旋桨换为汉密尔顿13英尺2英寸四叶螺旋桨,WM代表该机使用的引擎别称“Wasp Major” F4U-1WM前方照片. F4U-1WM后方照片. XF2G-1/F2G-1/F2G-2. XF2G-1固特异基于F4U-1WM让FG-1换上R-4360-4发动机,第一批XF2G-1由 FG-1A改来,并保留原有的座舱,第二批XF2G-1由FG-1D改来,驾驶舱盖改为气泡式,并在方向舵下方分增加一辅助方向舵,整个垂尾增高12英寸,F2G-1 …