Vought F4U Corsair - Wikipedia
The Vought F4U Corsair is an American fighter aircraft that saw service primarily in World War II and the Korean War. Designed and initially manufactured by Chance Vought, the Corsair was soon in great demand; additional production contracts were given to Goodyear, whose Corsairs were designated FG, and Brewster, designated F3A.
朝鲜战争 美国F4U-5N 舰载夜间战斗机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年12月8日 · F4U-5保留了F4U-4B的4门 M3 20mm航炮 ,换装额定功率2300hp的 R-2800-32W发动机 , 发动机罩下方两侧各有一个辅助进气口;发动机罩排气 门、滑油冷却器进气口、中间冷却器排气口都可自动控制; 机翼改用全金属蒙皮,减小了阻力;加大了气泡式座舱盖; 重新 …
F4U战斗机 - 百度百科
F4U战斗机为单座单发平直翼布局,加速性能好,火力强大,爬升快,坚固耐用,是美国第一种速度超过640千米/时的 战斗机,也是速度最快的活塞式战斗机之一。 其机翼的设计使得其与其他同类飞机相比显得很另类,除空战外,亦担当 战术轰炸机 的角色。 F4U战斗机由美国沃特公司研制,于1940年5月29日首飞, 第二次世界大战 至 朝鲜战争 期间在美军服役,朝鲜战争后,F4U仍在部分国家服役直到1960年代。 二战的太平洋战场上,F4U与F6F并为美国海军主力,成为日本 …
Model Number : XF4U-5 and F4U-5 - vought
The F4U-5NL was a winterized version of the F4U-5N airplane. It was basically the same as the F4U-5 airplane except that it included provisions for both night-fighter and cold weather operations. The winterization facilities are identified by the installation of de-ice boots on the wings and empennage, and de-ice shoes on the propeller blades.
Chance Vought F4U-5N Corsair - Lone Star Flight Museum
Vought engineers selected the new 2,000 horsepower Pratt & Whitney R2800 engine for the project that would become the Corsair. The powerful engine required a large 14-foot diameter propeller, which necessitated changes in the design to assure ground clearance was met during carrier landings.
F4U海盜式戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
战机科普:F4U海盗式战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年3月6日 · F4U海盗式(F4U Corsair)战斗机是美国海军所装备的一种舰载机,自1940年原型机出厂,至1953年最后一架量产机交给法国空军,她是美国活塞发动机战机生产史中量产最久的纪录保持者;钱斯沃特在战争期间授权固特异航太公司及 布鲁斯特飞机公司生产海盗式战机,均为同型款式(FG、F3A)。 海盗式服役于第二次世界大战至朝鲜战争期间(1942-1952),原本他开发的目的是作为1940年代美军舰载战斗机主力,但是因为降落安全性问题没有立刻被美国海 …
F4U海盗式战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F4U海盗式(F4U Corsair)战斗机是美国 海军所装备的一种舰载机,自1940年原型机出厂,至1953年最后一架量产机交给法国空军,她是美国活塞发动机战机生产史中量产最久的纪录保持者 [1] [2] [3] ;钱斯沃特在战争期间授权 固特异航太公司 ( 英语 : Goodyear Aerospace ...
F4U-5N Corsair - FLAM
The F4U-5N on display is a night-fighter variant of the F4U-5. As a night-fighter, the F4U-5N had an AN/APS-19 radar on the leading (front) edge of the right wing for tracking targets in the dark. The F4U-5 kept some of the F4U-4’s features, including a four-bladed propeller (earlier variants had only 3) and similar armament.
“海盗”无敌——F4U“海盗”研发简史 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
得益于 帕拉特-惠特尼R-2800 -8发动机的2000马力强大输出,新一代战斗机的速度、爬升率得到了保证,不用死抠燃油重量、装甲板和载弹量,F4U-1在6096米的高度上最大平飞速度达到了671km/h。 有趣的是,堀越二郎在回忆录里对自己在那么苛刻的条件下还能设计出零战很满意,他反复抱怨每增加一点引擎重量就得考虑翼面积、油箱容量、起落架布局和机身强度等一大堆问题。 美国的飞机设计师看了,估计会补一刀:谁让你们发动机那么差! F4U-1座舱内部,飞行员座 …
Chance Vought F4U-5N Corsair, Single-engine Single-seat Gull …
F4U-5N and F4U-5NL Corsair night fighters were used to attack enemy supply lines, including truck convoys and trains, as well as interdicting night attack aircraft such as the Polikarpov Po-2 "Bedcheck Charlies", which were used to harass United Nations forces at night.
Vought F4U-5N Corsair - Air Combat Museum
Early versions wrought havoc against the Japanese during World War II. The “Dash 5” was loved by every infantryman who fought the communist invaders during the Korean War. Our example flew combat missions during that war.
Chance Vought F4U-5N Corsair Aircraft | Platinum Fighter Sales
The F4U-5N performed flawlessly, showcasing its powerful Pratt & Whitney R-2800 engine and showing why the Corsair was such a feared fighter for its time. This 1951 Chance Vought F4U-5N Corsair represents today one of the best examples of a completely restored vintage fighter plane.
F4U CORSAIR - The Bent Wing Bird plane site / F4U-5N Corsair
Interest in night and all-weather fighters had grown to such an extent that the Navy ordered a large number of airplanes in the first group converted to night fighters (F4U-5N). This version is easily distinguished by its two-foot diameter radar dome in the leading edge of the right wing.
Forgotten War Group Build – night-fighting F4U-5N Corsairs
2020年12月7日 · Powered by a Pratt and Whitney R-2800-32W providing 2,450 h.p., the F4U-5 was the fastest piston-engine aircraft to ever operate from a USN aircraft carrier: 462 mph at 31,400 ft. Armament was upgraded from .50 caliber machine guns to four 20mm cannon as standard, with provision for two 1,000 lb. bombs and 8 5-inch HVARs.
Aircraft: Vought F4U-5N Corsair - Aero Web
These Corsairs were ALL great aircraft, perfect fit for low altitude operations. I was a (FAH) Reserve Pilot during the Salvadorean conflict. The "surprise" attack by salvadorean fighters on Honduran military installations was so poorly panned and executed that NO TARGETS were hit in Honduras. No Honduran Aircraft were lost.
Vought F4U-5NL Corsair - The American Heritage Museum
Widely regarded as the most capable carrier-based fighter of the Second World War, the F4U Corsair was designed to employ the largest engine and propeller ever fitted to a fighter up to that point. First flown on May of 1940, its entrance into the combat arena with the US Navy was delayed due to concerns about visibility and landing ...
1951 Chance Vought F4U-5N Corsair | Rare Fighter Aircraft
Explore the history of the 1951 Chance Vought F4U-5N Corsair, originally built for the US Navy. View this rare piece of aviation history.
朝鲜战争 美国F4U-5N 舰载夜间战斗机 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
F4U-5NL是寒带夜间战斗机,总数量101架, 在F4U-5N的基础上增加了机翼前缘除冰装置和座舱加热设备。 技术数据 F4U-5N. 总建造量:214. 规格. 长度:33& #39;4&# 34; 高度:15& #39; 7&# 34; 翼展:41' 翼面积:314平方英尺. 毛重:13800 磅. 动力装置:普惠R-2800-32W双黄蜂18缸两排喷水径向. 螺旋桨: Hamilton Standard Hydromatic 4 叶,13' 马力:2459马力. 航程:1,100 英里. 燃油容量:主油箱 234 加仑. 两个 300 加仑的副油箱. 巡航速度:227英里/小时. 最高速 …
f4u-5spec - vought
up to 5000 lb on centerline and pylon racks. * Includes two 150-gal drop tanks.