Grumman F4F Wildcat - Wikipedia
The Grumman F4F Wildcat is an American carrier-based fighter aircraft that entered service in 1940 with the United States Navy, and the British Royal Navy where it was initially known as the Martlet. [2] .
F4F战斗机 - 百度百科
F4F战斗机(英文:F4F Fighter [6] ,又称:F4M,昵称:Wildcat,译文:野猫),是 二战 期间美国一型单座单发平直翼活塞式 舰载战斗机 。 F4F战斗机是美国海军与海军陆战队在二战爆发之际最主要的舰载战斗机,也是遏制零战神话与稳定美国在太平洋地区制空权的 ...
F4F戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F4F戰鬥機 是 美國海軍 與 海軍陸戰隊 在 二次世界大戰 爆發之際最主要的艦載 戰鬥機,他的暱稱 野貓 (Wild Cat)开启了 格魯曼公司 以 貓 作為戰鬥機暱稱的传统。 该型战斗机也在 英国皇家海军 服役,被英国飞行员称为 岩燕 (Martlet)。 由于大部分的F2A型因为战斗力低落而被F4F替换,该型战斗机是美国海军和海军陆战队在1941-1942年唯一可用的战斗机。 日本的零式战斗机在速度,机动性和航程都强于F4F,然而依靠坚固的机身和正确的战术,F4F的击落比依旧可观。 …
Grumman F4F Wildcat - Naval Encyclopedia
2021年12月4日 · GM FM-1 wildcat was Wright engine F4F-4, with just four HMGs but added wing racks to carry two 250 lb (110 kg) bombs, or rails for six rockets. Production swapped later in 1943 FM-2 derived from the XF4F-8 prototype, fully optimized for small-carrier operations.
Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat - San Diego Air & Space Museum
The F4F-4 Wildcat entered service at the beginning of World War II, and was the Navy’s frontline carrier-based fighter aircraft by the time of the Battle of Midway in June of 1942. Grumman’s design for the F4F-4 evolved in several stages over the course of seven years.
Grumman F4F Wildcat - Aviation History
The F4F-4 was the first version of the Wildcat to feature a Grumman innovation, the Sto-Wing. The Sto-Wing used a novel approach using a compound angle folding-wing that was unique to Grumman. Leroy Grumman developed the idea by experimenting with a …
Eastern Division FM-1 (Grumman F4F-4) Wildcat
Single engine, mid-wing, carrier-based fighter aircraft. Leroy Grumman's F4F Wildcat was not the fastest or most advanced fighter aircraft of World War II, but during the dark months after Pearl Harbor, Wildcat pilots stood firm, held the line, and stopped the Imperial Japanese military air forces when they seemed invincible.
F4F Wildcat - WW2 Weapons
The Grumman F4F Wildcat was an American carrier-based fighter aircraft that served with the United States Navy and Marine Corps during World War II. Development: The Wildcat was designed in the late 1930s and entered service in 1940.
Grumman F4F Wildcat - AirVectors
Grumman proposed a manual wing-folding scheme to cut weight, and the Navy authorized production of the variant with this feature as the "F4F-4", which reached line service after the Battle of the Coral Sea in May 1942.
奶死零战的倒置奶瓶——美F4F野猫舰载战斗机 - 知乎
F4F早期的主武器是4挺12.7毫米 M2勃朗宁机枪,后期则将机枪数量增加至6挺。 射速:750–850发/分钟. 枪口速度:890 m / s. 有效射程:1,800 m. 最大射程:7,400 m. 勃朗宁M2重机枪具备火力高、弹道稳、射程远的特点,在后坐作用系统的帮助下这款机枪在全自动发射时命中率较高。 在射程方面,M2在装备普通子弹时最大射程可达7.4km,在军方进行的性能测试中这一数据还会更高。 F4F-4的机翼折叠起来存放在长岛号航空母舰的机库中。 不过早期F4F的武器装备 …