BMW X5 (F85) - Wikipedia
The BMW X5 M (F85) is a mid-size luxury SUV that is based on the BMW X5 (F15) which has been built by BMW since 2014. Unlike the BMW X5 M50d the X5 M is a full BMW M series car that has the M Powered engine.
BMW X5M (F85) and X6M (F86) Forum - BIMMERPOST
2007年4月9日 · Threads in Forum: BMW X5M (F85) and X6M (F86) Forum: Forum Tools: Search this Forum: Views: 7,089,338 Announcement: Forum Rules/Guidelines/Tips and Tricks! PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING. 04-09-2007 Mark (Administrator) Rating Thread / Thread Starter: Last Post. Replies: Views :
【图】F85 X5M提车小作业_宝马M系论坛_汽车之家论坛
2020年7月20日 · f85 x5m提车小作业 继F80后提的第二个M,开惯M3后一直担心X5M的会为操控牺牲很多舒适性,但实车的舒适性让人感动。 主动防倾杆完美兼顾了运动性和舒适性,舒适模式正常行驶悬挂能轻松过滤路面的颠簸,过减速带时甚至会有轻微的忽悠感像船一样的,让人不敢 ...
德系│力大砖飞——宝马X5M(F15) - 哔哩哔哩
2023年11月28日 · 动力方面,F85 X5M依旧搭载着名为S63B44的发动机。相较于上一代的555ps,F85将输出增加至575ps,峰值扭矩达到750N·m。 在F85 X5M推出的同一年,宝马将其引入国内,相较于上一代两百余万的高昂售价,F85的售价则“亲民”了些许,售价降低至168.49万。
Tested: 2017 BMW X5 M - Car and Driver
2017年7月24日 · BMW's hedonistic rocket ship of an SUV brings warp-factor performance on a grand scale. The crossover-SUV scene may be erupting like ancient Mount Toba, threatening to snuff out myriad car species...
BMW X5 M (F85) Specs & Photos - 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
First, it took the 4.4-liter V8 gasoline engine and then plugged a pair of TwinScroll turbocharges, cross-bank exhaust manifolds, VALVETRONIC and High Precision Direct Gasoline Injection system....
【宝马X5 M】宝马_宝马X5 M报价_宝马X5 M图片_汽车之家
全新宝马X5 M、X6 M上市. 买车无忧 、 海量车源、品质保障、上门评估、轻松卖高价 、马上 高价卖车。 一周车市点评:美国进口车加税,中国品牌疯狂让利! 新车:超强动力,144.89万起售! 全新宝马X5 M、X6 M上市. 油车智能“先天不足”? No! 途观L Pro开辟油电平权! 给你更大更好更多的 价格还便宜一半? 小时候的DreamCar 长大了会是什么样子? 公路之王宝马X5M 全靠8个顶级散热你敢信? 【oh! 】宝 马 起 飞 失 败 合 集. 数据加载中...
F85 X5M and F86 X6M (2016 - present) - BimmerFest BMW Forum
2016年6月21日 · Imminently new X5/BMW Owner - What Will Surprise Me, Good or Bad? The BMW X5 M and X6 M are high-performance derivative of the X5 and X6. Introduced at the 2014 LA Auto Show and appearing in dealerships in 2015. Both...
2017 BMW X5 M F85: detailed specifications, performance and …
The BMW X5 M belongs to the F85 range of cars from BMW. Power is produced by a double overhead camshaft, 4.4 litre turbocharged 8 cylinder engine, with 4 valves per cylinder that produces power and torque figures of 567 bhp (575 PS/423 kW) at 6000-6500 rpm and 750 N·m (553 lb·ft/76.5 kgm) at 2200-5000 rpm respectively.
BMW X5 M - F85 Market - CLASSIC.COM
Designated as the F85 internally by BMW, this new version of the X5 M featured significant changes and improvements to the standard F15 chassis, leading to the different designation. These cars were powered by a 547hp 4.4L twin-turbo V8 that sent drive to all four wheels via an 8 speed automatic transmission.