F/A-37 Talon - Fictional Flying Machines Wiki
The F/A-37 Talon is a near-future, single-seat fighter aircraft of the U.S. Navy, similar in design to the EDI UCAV. It was featured in the 2005 film "Stealth." In the film's fictional world, the only Talons are operating as a three-plane flight for field evaluation, from the aircraft carrier...
List of fictional aircraft - Wikipedia
F/A-37 Talon: a single-seat fighter attack aircraft of the U.S. Navy, which appeared in the 2005 film Stealth. It is capable of Mach 3.5 and supercruise , and has a range of 4,000 miles. It is also accompanied by an AI -operated UAV , which assists in targeting and ISR for the Talon.
F/A-37 Talon - GlobalSecurity.org
2004年6月23日 · According to the back story, the F/A-37 "Talon" is a Mach 3.5, super cruise stealth fighter/bomber/interceptor with a 4000nm range. Top speed is somewhere in the Mach 4+ range. The movie is...
电影《绝密飞行》中的科幻战机会F/A-37“禽爪 ... - 搜狐
2017年6月19日 · F/A-37“禽爪”在《绝密飞行》(Stealth)中是美国海军的下一代战斗机,艺术家奥利弗•舍尔在设计该机时大量借鉴了诺斯罗普YF-23先进战术战斗机的元素,最后“禽爪”成为“分明棱角与光滑外形的复杂组合”。
電影《絕密飛行》中的科幻戰機會F/A-37「禽爪」是美國海軍的下 …
F/A-37 Talon prototype fighter. - YouTube
On 18 June 2004 a scene for the upcoming Columbia Tri-Star movie "Stealth" was filmed on the flight deck aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72). Lincoln was...
F/A 37 TALON - Download Free 3D model by t3rabyte - Sketchfab
2019年2月11日 · This is the F/A 37 Talon fighter jet featured from the movie, Stealth. Modeled in Maya, textured in Substance Painter
[4K 超清 极限画质] 绝密飞行——F/A-37 鹰爪 - 哔哩哔哩
-, 视频播放量 139576、弹幕量 149、点赞数 2975、投硬币枚数 199、收藏人数 2331、转发人数 135, 视频作者 DKM-齐柏林酱Official, 作者简介 七年赛博老兵,曾服役于碧蓝航线及明日方舟,现役于战舰世界、战争雷霆、现代战舰及坦克激斗,相关视频:高空领主J-36!
F/A-37 - 나무위키
2024年5月18日 · 영화 스텔스 에 나오는 가상의 스텔스 전술폭격기. F/A (Fighter / Attacker)라는 형식분류 부호에서 알 수 있듯이 현실의 F/A-18 호넷처럼 공중전과 지상타격을 겸하는 멀티롤 전폭기 다. 영화가 단순 액션영화라서 공대공 미사일 로 건물을 부수고 전투기끼리 도그파이트 할 때 레이저 유도폭탄 으로 격추시키는 등 이상한 장면이 많다. Su-37 터미네이터와 공중전이 유명한데 여기서 F/A-37은 우측 엔진이 30mm GSh-30 기관포에 피탄당해도 엔진 출력 저하 정도로 끝났지만 Su …
F/A-37 - Snopes.com
2004年10月3日 · I believe it will be known as the the F/A-37 (Talon). Although specs are classified, it is believed to be a Mach 3.5 (top speed in the Mach 4 range), super-cruise stealth fighter / bomber ...