FB PM-63 - Wikipedia
The PM-63 RAK (often incorrectly referred to as Ręczny Automat Komandosów—"commandos' hand-held automatic"; the name itself means cancer or crayfish in Polish) is a Polish 9×18mm …
PM-63 Rak冲锋枪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PM-63 Rak于1963年完成开发,主要用于个人防卫及150米内的近身战斗,发射 9×18毫米马卡洛夫手枪弹,可选择全自动或半自动(单发)射击模式。 主要提供于重型装备士兵、 特种部队 、 …
PM-63 Rak衝鋒槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PM-63 Rak於1963年完成開發,主要用於個人防衛及150米內的近身戰鬥,發射 9×18毫米馬卡洛夫手槍彈 ( 英语 : 9×18mm Makarov ) ,可選擇全自動或半自動(單發)射擊模式。
Polish PM-63 "Rak" machine pistol - Forgotten Weapons
It was officially called the Pistolet maszynowy wzór 1963 (PM-63), but most people refer to it as the ‘Rak’ (Polish for cancer). It was lightweight, compact, capable of serious firepower, yet …
FB PM-63 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PM-63 RAK (short for Ręczny Automat Komandosów — "commandos' hand-held automatic"; the abbreviation itself means crayfish in Polish) is a Polish 9×18mm submachine gun, …
FB Glauberyt - Wikipedia
In service with the Polish military and police it replaced the earlier PM-63 RAK submachine gun. A U.S. Army soldier firing a PM-98. The Glauberyt is a select-fire, straight blowback -operated …
FB PM-63 RAK (Reczny Automat Komandosow) - Military Factory
2018年7月17日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the FB PM-63 RAK (Reczny Automat Komandosow) Submachine Gun / Machine Pistol / …
PM-63 RAK - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The PM-63 (Polish: Pistolet maszynowy wz. 1963, lit. "submachine gun model 1963"), nicknamed RAK (Polish: Ręczny Automat Komandosów, lit. "Handheld Commando Automatic"), is a …
FB PM-63 - Wikiwand
The PM-63 RAK (often incorrectly referred to as Ręczny Automat Komandosów —"commandos' hand-held automatic"; the name itself means cancer or crayfish in Polish) is a Polish 9×18mm …
FB PM-63 RAK (Reczny Automat Komandosow) - Military …
The PM-63 is favored by various operators around the world for its footprint, light feel and cavity. The original PM-63 was designed around a 9x18mm Makarov pistol cartridge, weighed 3.5 …