FB01-Posting - SAP Community
Using the FB01 i am posting a Document. The user has entered both the Amount in Doc Currency (WRBTR) and Amount in Local Currency (DMBTR) and the Exchange rate (KURSF). Usually if …
FB01 Data - SAP Community
Hi Any one can send me the code for FB01 data upload using BDC Thanks in Advance
My req is to create conversion for FB01. For this I used LSMW's Direct Input method wherein Object: 0100, Method: 0000, Program Name: RFBIBL00 are used. This is exclusively for …
FI posting - SAP Community
I need to post Fi documents using FB01 tcode...im gettin input data through IDOC from a non SAP system.. I know about the program RFBIBL00 and read the documentation for it and …
FB01 issue during BDC - SAP Community
I have issue with FB01 transaction in Quality Client. I am trying to post a customer invoice and its working fine in Development Client. In Quality client when we try to post say four customer …
VAT problem - SAP Community
When I posted in FB01 I can not have the vat ligne. If i insite to have vat calculated I have the message bellow "Calculate tax" causes all amounts to be deleted". When i trie to poste under …
Reg : Simulation in FB01 - SAP Community
Is it possible to simulate the document like in FB01 Simulation.? Is there any function module to simulate the FI doucuments.? Custom program used the following fields for psoting the …
To avoid double vendor invoice posting in FB01 using GGB0
2007年10月24日 · Hi all, How to apply double invoice checking on FB01 using validation rule and user exit? We wish to check against <u>vendor code</u> and <u>reference number</u> only.
Adding Customer Fields to FB01 Invoice | SAP Community
I added three customer fields to BSEG using transaction OXK3 and am trying to figure out how to get these fields on the invoice entry screen of FB01 (SAPMF05A / 0301). I was able to add …
use of fb01 - SAP Community
hello sap -iens... i would like to know what is the use of fb01 transaction .. documented created in this transaction is not available in G/L r fb03 .. but available in bkpf and bseg tables .....