Core-shell structured CoP/FeP porous microcubes interconnected …
2017年2月1日 · In this paper, a well-designed porous core-shell structured CoP@FeP microcubes interconnected by reduced graphene oxide (RGO) are fabricated, in which prussion blue derived porous FeP acts as a core, CoP as a shell, interconnected RGO nanosheets wire up all the core-shell microcubes.
Characterization of FeP: (a) XRD pattern; (b) FE-SEM image; (c) …
In this article, the structure and electrochemical performance of sodiated iron phosphate (FePO4) synthesized by the micro-emulsion technique have been investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD),...
The XRD patterns of FeP 2 under different pressures: (a
Its high-pressure structural behavior has been investigated by both synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction with diamond anvil cell technique and first principles calculations.
复旦大学董安钢 杨东|拓扑转化二维FeP纳米超晶格,高效电催 …
协同获得的2d fep nfsl可以结合超晶格材料和空心ncs的优点,不仅能够生成丰富的活性位点,而且同时促进传质和nc的利用。研究表明,2d fep nfsls可作为高效耐久的 her电催化剂 。更重要的是,这种空间限域的拓扑化学转化策略具有可扩展性,也适用于其它类型的nc ...
[2003.10968] The incommensurate magnet iron monophosphide FeP…
2020年3月24日 · We report an optimized chemical vapor transport method, which allows growing FeP single crystals up to 500 mg in mass and 80 mm3 in volume. The high quality of the crystals obtained by this method was confirmed by means of EDX, high-resolution TEM, low-temperature single crystal XRD and neutron diffraction experiments.
Fe, P, N- and FeP, N-doped carbon hollow nanospheres: A …
2021年11月15日 · The FeP, N-Carbon HNSs, Fe, P, N-Carbon HNSs exhibited a better ORR performance than the FeP, N-Carbon HNSs, owing to their unique nanostructure and favorable chemical components that exposed more active sites. The findings provide insights into the controlled synthesis of transition-metal-heteroatom-codoped carbon nanomaterials for the ...
XRD patterns of Fe3P selected in synchrotron X-radiation with a …
Fe2P and FeP are thermodynamically stable at the Earth’s inner core pressures and 0 K according to the obtained results, whereas Fe3P stabilizes with respect to decomposition to Fe + Fe2P at ...
设计合成了一种多壳层中空多孔结构的磷化铁 (FeP)微球, 通过扫描电子显微镜 (SEM)、 透射电子显微镜 (TEM)、 X射线衍射 (XRD)和X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)对微球的表面形貌和物相组成等进行表征, 并通过电化学工作站测试了材料的析氢性能. 结果表明, FeP微球和掺杂导电剂碳纳米管...
Well-dispersed FeP@C nanoparticles anchored on MXene …
2025年3月5日 · In view of the impurity of P-poor Fe 2 P phase in FP x CT materials, the molar ratio of P to Fe is increased so as to achieve high-capacity FeP phase in the final products of FeP@C/Ti 3 C 2 materials (FPCT-460). The XRD patterns of FPCT-460 and FPC-460 without Ti 3 C 2 Mxene demonstrate that the crystal size of FeP in FPCT-460 materials is ...
Preparation and Properties of Iron Phosphide Composites as …
在本文工作中,通过直接高温退火含植酸和铁的前驱体合成了新型的fep x /c及fep x /c@c复合电极材料。采用xrd、sem、tem和xps等表征了复合材料的形貌结构及化学成分组成。