Yuj (Final Fantasy XIII)
Yuj is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. He is a member of NORA. In the demo included with Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete, Yuj looks like a generic NPC because his design was yet to be finalized.
Yuj - Final Fantasy Wiki
Yuj may refer to: The character from Final Fantasy XIII. The location from Final Fantasy XIV.
Final Fantasy XIII characters
The following is a list of characters from Final Fantasy XIII. Amodar Bartholomew Estheim Cid Raines Galenth Dysley Jihl Nabaat Rygdea Yaag Rosch Serah Farron Dajh Katzroy Maqui Yuj Nora Estheim Chocobo Chick Anima Atomos Barthandelus Carbuncle Dahaka Eden Kujata Orphan Phoenix Titan Maker Etro...
FF13 Characters - ffexodus
Yuj is a young blue haired boy. He is one of the younger members of NORA. He is highly interested in fashion.
Yuj - Final Fantasy Wiki - Neoseeker
2013年2月13日 · Yuj is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII-2. Yuj is a junior member of Team NORA. Yuj appears in the sequel.
最终幻想13-2(Final Fantasy XIII-2)(FF13-2) - ffsky.cn
连生与死的分界都暧昧不清,充满着混沌的世界。 瓦尔哈拉——一个自时空中切割出来的世界。 在失去了时光的神殿中,我获得了第二次的生命。
NORA - Yuj & Lebreau : r/finalfantasyxiii - Reddit
2020年8月15日 · When I hear Yuj talk, all I hear is a stoner who is hated by his father in-law, and spent years in space with the ghost of Sinbad. I like Yuj's hair. Style and colour, both very nice. Lebreau is awesome, I wish she were a playable character in the series (minus the five minutes at the beginning of FFXIII)
Who or what is Yuj? - Final Fantasy XIII - GameFAQs
Yuck.... when I first saw Snow's friend Yuj I was so shocked at how freaky he looks. The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return. -Nat King Cole. It's a secret to...
最终幻想13(Final Fantasy XIII)(FF13) - ffsky.cn
漂浮在天空中的乐园——“茧”,在其中繁衍的人类都曾笃信,那里就是世界的乌托邦。 这座被称为茧的乐园,在圣府的统治下,享受着和平与繁荣。 接受着人类守护者“法尔希”们祝福的人们,都曾觉得这样的幸福会持续永远... 可是,憎恨乐园的法尔希出现了! 那是作为禁忌的魔镜而被人们畏惧的法尔希! 当来自“下界”的他从长眠中苏醒之时,茧的和平就将迎来终结! 法尔希对人类施以诅咒——使他们变成魔兵的先锋! 被法尔希选中的他们——被称之为“露希”的他们——被烙上露希 …
Yuj - Final Fantasy XIII - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Zerochan has 5 Yuj anime images, and many more in its gallery. Yuj is a character from Final Fantasy XIII.